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Another Response to
Curtailing the excuses
N. B. Andrews
May 30, 2015
The original
article and its rejoinder point out the
serious/urgent need for attitudinal change and a
much clearer understanding of the mechanics of
our current national morass.
To begin with,
what are the real privileges of public office
that make "giving them up" such a big
deal....especially when the incumbent public
servant "knows that he does not know; and he
knows everyone knows that he does not know"?
Is this not a sinister state of affairs that can
lead to disaster? And disasters abound in our
educational system, our "Teaching Hospitals",
transport system, governance etc.
The "beautyful ones" in trying to effect change
then proceed to follow laid down procedures ìn
forwarding their complaints towards meaningful
However time and time again, does the pernicious
cynicism of the "homeboyz", not thwart rational
enquiry and redress to the disadvantage of
everyone including the myopic cynics themselves?
Examples abound but let us remind ourselves of
...seasoned officials in our health system who
defend the indefensible end up getting poor care
or no care when they need it more especially in
an emergency.
....the decimation of the public school system
and the rise of the money guzzling private
schools leading to a two/three tier educational
(pre university) system; the ruinous results
starkly visible around us- even in the corridors
of power.
Indeed, the so called "subsidy" enjoyed by
graduates from kindergarten through University
is a red herring.
Because, were their parents not taxpayers?
Does it include the children and wards of cocoa
farmers whose produce was expropriated by the
State at a predetermined price?
What were the conditions laid down for enjoying
the subsidy and have these conditions been
flouted by the graduates?
Does the refund/ payback of the subsidy continue
in an open ended manner?
A more nuanced approach to this subsidy issue is
Where is the evidence that a significant
proportion of the remittances are spent
frivolously on uncompleted buildings etc? ....eehm
anecdotal evidence is of very limited value and
is the forte of serial callers.
At the risk of a charge of what "aboutery" from
a pedant, it is important to point out that
remittances are the bona fide income of the
diasporan and his family, duly and legally
transferred. Now, contrast that with the
behavior of the kleptocrats and politricians
when it comes to the public purse.
Perhaps, we could be forgiven for inferring that
the "homeboyz" carry out their rent seeking
behavior in an attempt to match the economic
muscle/largesse of the diasporans and instead
end up dancing on the graves of their
Finally, are we who live and work in Ghana not
simply tired of defending the status quo as if
it is not shameful?
How can we find our situation acceptable or even
Why do we blame the messenger and ironically
goad him for not taking "action"?
How come those who in a trenchant manner write
about our problems, point out solutions and ask
for simple sincerity from our political and
public service simpletons as an indispensable
ingredient to the solution are rather
lectured......sometimes on the need for action,
with the subtext that "if you are so smart
then..." or better still....."It is not easy you
It is the role of a writer to hold up a mirror
so that we can read and see/examine ourselves,
each according to his individual experience and
conscience; all good writing is provocative.
Sooner or later, the chickens will come home to
roost; it is natural law.
Before I forget, the KN quotations- mirabile
But maybe as a patron asked at my favorite
watering hole (before he started imbibing) "are
we serious, eh are we serious?"
And his compatriot who had arrived much earlier
and already provoked his liver slurred back this
reply, "what will you drink? The stuff is
mortuary cold".
Blebo We-Sakumo
May 30, 2015
Africa Solving the energy
SpyGhana, May 28, Ghanadot - Ghana, which is
suffering from interrupted power supply after a long
period of stability, is planning to double its Power
output before 2020 thanks to power purchase from
Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and plants upgrade.
President Mahama promised to inject an additional 3,665
MW of power into the national grid.........More
ECOWAS at 40: A griot’s tale
GuardianNigeria, May 29, Ghanadot - West Africa
is a sub-region rich in oil, gas, gold, iron ore,
uranium, cocoa, cotton, and cashew nuts, but has some of
the poorest populations in the world. This is despite
the fact that there are many cultural links across
borders which should facilitate regional integration.......More
Another response to "Curtailing the excuses"
Commentary, May 30, Ghanadot -
How come those who in a trenchant
manner write about our problems, point out solutions and
ask for simple sincerity from our political and public
service simpletons as an indispensable ingredient to the
solution are rather lectured......sometimes on the need
for action, with the subtext that "if you are so smart
then..." or better still....."It is not easy you
South African Airways Expands
West Africa Network With New Service Between Washington,
D.C. & Accra, Ghana
MarketWatch, May 30, Ghanadot - South African
Airways (SAA), Africa's most awarded airline, will
launch new nonstop service between Washington,
D.C.-Dulles International Airport and Accra's Kotoka
International Airport on August 3, 2015. With the
introduction of this new flight, SAA will be providing
the only nonstop flight between Washington D.C. and
Ghana, as well as the only Skytrax 4-Star rated airline
service and world-class quality from North America to
the entire West Africa region. .......More