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Jazz in Ghana, featuring Kpakpo
Kpakpo Addo at JazzTone
In 2004, Kpakpo released
the classic
album "KAYA".
I wrote at the the time
that "The joy of experiencing highlife music from the
60's has so far been elusive. We hear strands of it, now
and then, and attempts to capture it so far, with the
exception of a very few, have not managed to recreate
successfully both the style and the atmosphere that
wrought this musical form.
"With the release of Kaya”, Teddy Kpakpo Addo has
done that. He. has given a much needed fresh breath to
the highlife music as well as returned the formto its
basic foot print......
E. Ablorh-Odjidja
More commentaries
Ghana to Meet Investors Next
Week for Planned Dollar Bond
Nasdaq, July 19, Ghandot - Ghana is planning to
meet investors in Europe and in the U.S., starting next
Monday, preparing the ground for a possible new bond
issue, denominated in dollars, one of the banks hired to
assist the country said Thursday......More |
Who Is Racist?
Commentary, July 14,
Ghanadot - hThe moral claims advanced by generations
of black leaders -- claims that eventually touched the
conscience of the nation and turned the tide toward
civil rights for all -- have now been cheapened by
today's generation of black "leaders," who act as if it
is all just a matter of whose ox is gored....
It’s not hard to
defeat racism, if only you try
Commentary, July 19,
Ghanadot - This is not to move away from compassion
for Trayvon Martin and the fact of the loss of a
precious young life. To provide a better fight against
racism, we need to move closer to the import of the
image left in court by Rachel Jeantel, the main witness
for the prosecution and Trayvon’s friend.....More
A reading for supporters of the
homo-sexual agenda
Joy, September 14, Ghanadot - The
Independent learnt male sex workers make more money than their
female counterpart, as their charges range between $300 and $400
per night....Further checks by the paper revealed that these
males mingle with female sex workers during the night.....More |