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Morocco’s Local Elections and
By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir
On June 12th, 2009, the same day that Iran had its
contentious presidential elections, Moroccans also went
out to polls to participate in local elections. In stark
contrast, Morocco’s elections were viewed to be both
free and fair, and boasted a 15 percent increase in
turnout from the 2007 parliamentary elections.
While much of the world’s focus has not been on
Morocco’s new party and efforts for reform, the
Authenticity and Modernity party (PAM) gained the most
seats in local councils (3 percent more than the ruling
Socialists). PAM’s ‘third way’ message of promoting
tradition and progress, business and social justice, and
development and the environment energized a grassroots
movement rarely seen in Moroccan politics.
PAM now has the potential to considerably guide and
execute the large-scale and profoundly significant
Moroccan decentralization initiative to enable local
communities and provinces to have a greater say in their
own affairs. The “roadmap” to decentralization, which
describes the project’s guiding framework, objectives,
and actions, was announced by Morocco’s King Mohammed VI
on November 6, 2008--the 33rd anniversary of the Green
March which saw 350,000 unarmed Moroccans cross into the
Western Sahara to unite (or reunite) the region with the
The idea of decentralization in Morocco was first
promoted in 1977 by the late King Hassan II. In 2007,
the Kingdom proposed to the United Nations Security
Council a solution to the Western Sahara--“autonomy
within Moroccan sovereignty,” which necessarily involves
significant transfer of authority from the central
level. The proposal catalyzed today’s new
decentralization effort throughout Morocco with the
Western Sahara.
The strategic implementation of the roadmap, including a
funding level of 10 billion dollars over 10 years, can
generate transformative socio-economic and environmental
benefits for the entire population (36 plus million
people). It can also establish ideal conditions to
resolve the Western Saharan conflict by advancing the
political, social, cultural, economic, and environmental
fulfillment of the people there, especially those who
have suffered most over the course of the international
The roadmap includes both “devolution” and
“deconcentration” organizational arrangements, which are
to be carried out by the “democratic, participatory
method.” The participatory development method values
local knowledge and engages entire communities in
dialogue as they conduct their own investigation and
analysis toward the creation of an action plan that
reflects local development priorities.
The King’s roadmap has developmental responsibilities
(legal, financial, and operational) existing at the
sub-national level (among local communities, civil and
private groups, and local and regional government). A
range of essential capabilities (to overcome constraints
and realize opportunities) need to be built among these
local groups through training, education, and
experience. The roadmap intends to strike a balance
between national and regional levels, with clear and
recognized roles for each.
Civil organizations play a critical role in
decentralized systems and sustaining local projects and
are part of partnerships at and between the micro and
macro levels of society. Decentralization can then
actually strengthen national solidarity in Morocco due
to the web of new participatory-based partnerships that
are created. Local communities generally seek to
maintain these kinds of partnerships because they help
satisfy their human needs and better enable people to
shape the institutions that govern them.
The roadmap is flexible enough so that the system of
decentralization can appropriately grow out of the
processes of each village and neighborhood implementing
development projects (such as, in rural areas, clean
water, fruit tree agriculture, and irrigation).
Successful local development is often replicated by
neighboring communities who may embark on a process of
their own and work with others to pursue shared goals.
This is generally how scaling-up occurs and new and
reformed policies take shape.
Decentralized development in this form could demonstrate
to the 400,000 people in the Western Sahara a
relationship with the Kingdom that furthers their
self-determined local and regional human development
goals. This is how decentralization could be a path of
common interest.
To advance decentralization, centers at universities
(Western Sahara needs its first university) ought to be
created that train facilitators of participatory
methods. The methods are interactive,
information-gathering activities that help local people
evaluate their conditions and plan priority projects.
Facilitators of planning activities can be extension
workers from ministries (such as from agriculture and
health), local and regional politicians, teachers,
students, from civil organizations, retirees, and
The new training center at Hassan II University in
Mohammedia, for example, which is in partnership with
the High Atlas Foundation, is planning training programs
with presidents of communes and national park
technicians who are then able to more effectively assist
development initiatives in the areas they work. These
professional positions and others interface with local
communities and they could therefore organize and
facilitate participatory community planning meetings to
advance decentralized development.
In order to assist decentralization, Morocco’s Ministry
of Interior (which is in charge of internal security)
ought to develop its role as a provider of information
to advance development. For example, it could help build
institutional partnerships by making available online
relevant information related to the tens of thousands of
Moroccan civil society organizations. The functions of
traditional provincial and local Interior officials
should also be reformed so that they are active
contributors to development and trust is built. For
example, it might be helpful if the positions of "Kaid,"
"Sheikh," and "Moqadam" were made directly accountable
to presidents of communes.
Finally, a new decentralization project office within
the Royal Cabinet would help build innovative
partnerships between government, civil, and private
institutions, and influence against the centralized
tendencies of government. PAM, being a new party and
with its concentration of power at the local level, is
probably pre-disposed to work against rigid centralized
control of development.
Creating regionalization by way of implementing locally
determined and controlled projects that benefit in
important ways every person in a rural area will cost
approximately 4 billion dollars. This figure is
projected from project experience since the mid-1990s in
the Rural Commune of Toubkal (Province of Taroudant)
with a population of 10,000 people. Project costs are
kept low because they use local materials and know-how,
and labor is often contributed in-kind.
Therefore, the cost of this approach to decentralization
in all rural and urban areas, with more heavy funding
for projects in the Western Sahara, as the King of
Morocco proposed, would likely be in the range of 10
billion dollars over 10 years. Morocco’s bold initiative
is worth the investment, considering the enormous human
development that would ensue, the most probable end to
the decades-long Western Saharan conflict, and with
that, greater constructive relationships among North
African nations.
Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir is a sociologist and is president of
the High Atlas Foundation, a non-governmental
organization founded by former Peace Corps volunteers
and dedicated to community development in Morocco.
Tel (646) 285-7444 | Fax (646) 786-4780
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