invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject submissions,
but we are not necessarily responsible for the opinions expressed
in articles we publish......MORE
One practical way to improve the state of
the world: turn G8 into G14
As power shifts from the old west, it is absurd that the world's
economic top table has a seat for Italy but no place for China
Timothy Garton Ash in Davos
Thursday January 24, 2008
The Guardian
Wherever you turn in Davos, you see the World Economic Forum's
modest motto: "Committed to improving the state of the world."
Well, it needs it. So here's one practical step: the G8 should
be expanded to G14, adding China, India, Brazil, Mexico, South
Africa and Indonesia. Arbitrary? To be sure. Tactless? You bet.
Deeply offensive to some important countries not on that list?
Obviously - and they will cry havoc, foul and blue murder. But
sometimes, if you're committed to improving the state of the
world, you have to be a little brutal.....