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Mau Forest Saga: People Must Pay their Environment
James Shikwati,
July 28, 2009
Way back in 2006, I took a Swiss lady for hunting deep in the
remaining shrubs of western Kenya. You guessed wrong; we were
hunting for the "eye of a river!" An investment banker, she was
interested in touching the real source of a river in Kenya, and
there it was, a tiny seepage of cool clean water! "You know
what; you are touching one of the very many sources of River
Nile..." I exclaimed. The tiny rivulet, weaves itself through
the undergrowths in Osichilo area to River Lusumu, which in turn
supplies Lake Victoria, the main reservoir for River Nile.
While sailing over the Nile early this year, I told my Egyptian
hosts about our "hunting" expedition for the "eye of the river."
It is amazing when one ponders the interconnectedness of human
actions. Sailing on the Nile in Cairo ceases to just give a
pleasant holiday feeling but brings to focus the activities of
hundreds of thousands of people that toil to feed themselves
thereby impacting on a Nile Cruise. To ignore such a population,
is to expose the "eye" to extinction.
The ongoing Mau Forest Complex environmental debate in Kenya
offers a simple lesson; people must pay their environmental
bills! Environmentalists refer to the originally 988,000 acre
forest complex as a "water tower" that feeds both the Lake
Victoria region and lakes in parts of Rift Valley. Reports
attributable to a task force appointed by Kenya's Prime Minister
estimate that this forest complex supports an economy of over
$US 300 Million annually in Kenya alone.
Instead of politicizing this issue; our leaders ought to focus
on seeking a long lasting solution. It is important that all
concerned parties connect the "eye of the river" to Egypt! In
that case, the best option ought to be to devise a strategy to
pay Kenyans to conserve forests and other strategic
environmental assets. Another approach ought to be to focus on
policies that hold the majority in poverty. The concoction of
majority in poverty and minority in extreme wealth bred by bad
policies pushes individuals to focus on short term survival
tactics that threaten balance in the ecosystem.
Kenyans for example pay their bills for the conservation of Mau
Forest indirectly through electricity rates; town council water
rates; tourism rates for flamingoes and wildebeest migration;
good health (due to clean air) and cooler climate (because trees
act as carbon sinks) among other benefits. My take is that, the
Kenyan citizens who are presently vilified for destroying the
forest are victims of "it belongs to all of us economics." Such
an economic system benefits a few who will always act as tribal
chiefs whose bellies are overloaded with national cake goodies.
Instead of blaming the victims in the Mau forest saga; we ought
to advance arguments such as; how much should we pay those who
occupy this strategic complex so as not to engage in certain
economic activities that jeopardize Kenya's and by extension
Africa's livelihood? The Ogiek community that have for decades
been pre-occupied with hunting and gathering, for example, ought
not to be seen as primitive.Rather, a monthly pay check ought to
come from those whose economic livelihood directly depends on
keeping a strategic complex in place. If the Kenya government
(that is Kenyan citizens) commits to pay people who protect
environmental assets; the percentage of the country's forest
cover will increase in no time. The same can be said for Africa
in general.
While participating in a European Landowners' Organization
workshop early this year, I was amazed at how the Westerners
measure almost everything and calculate payment for "public
goods." From a simple premise "Who pays the entry fee for
enjoying the environment?" ...arguments have been advanced to
the effect that those who protect forests such as those in
Brazil ought to be paid. The Carbon Credits or payments for
carbon offset stems from this idea. In part, that is why
Africa's clamor to push Europeans to lower agricultural
subsidies to farmers always hit the wall; Europeans are ahead
and will simply use "crops clean environment argument" to keep
their subsidy in place.
The Mau saga reveals the dangers of "Mali ya Umma," (loosely
translated to "it belongs to all of us or the public") a
mentality that has been creating tyranny in Kenya. The very
politicians we expect to offer a solution are the same
characters hiving off huge pieces of land for themselves and
even leasing out some to foreigners. In both cases, the common
mwananchi (citizen) is treated as though he/she cannot add any
value to the society. What belongs to all of us belongs to no
one and so falls into disrepair - Mau is a typical example.
If policy makers genuinely recognized the importance of this so
called water tower and opted to pay people staying in and around
this complex; there will be no need of environmental activism.
Kenyan and by extension Africa opinion leaders and experts ought
to use this Mau saga to develop measurements on the value the
ecosystem adds to the economy. Such measurements can be used to
develop compensation rates for individuals/communities that
offer public goods such as protecting forests, wildlife
conservation, and flowers for bees among others. Experts from
U.S.A, Netherlands and Argentina estimated in 1997 that the
ecosystem offers USD 33 trillion worth of service to global GNP.
It is clear that development policies in Africa ought to go
beyond individual countries and focus on people and how their
activities are interconnected. To conserve the Mau forest and
other strategic ecosystems on the continent, those consuming the
benefits must be ready to pay their bill.
By James
James Shikwati
james@irenkenya.org is
Director, Inter Region Economic Network
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