invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject submissions,
but we are not necessarily responsible for the opinions expressed
in articles we publish......MORE
How the Law is Enslaving Africans
By James Shikwati
It is not uncommon for friends of Africa to ask people on the
continent to forget the past and forge ahead. "Blaming
colonialism will not help your country develop, focus on the
future," they say. As much as I may agree in part with the
thesis of 'forget the past,' I am inclined to remind my brothers
and sisters that history is very important for the prosperity of
any country. Africans inherited both their West-trained leaders
and legal instruments from departing colonialists.
Last week, 60 years after his death, Poland’s General Wladyslaw
Sikorski's body was exhumed to help determine whether he died in
the hands of assassins. The Catholic Church once posthumously
tried Pope Formosus in what was referred to as the Cadaver
Synod. Found unworthy for pontificate; the papal vestments were
torn off his remains, three fingers cut and the body thrown into
the Tiber River. Every city in the developed world, boasts of
some historical achievements and failures that inform its
contribution to the society.
Should Africans interrogate the history of the law that governs
them? I am an advocate of the Rule of Law as opposed to the rule
of the whims of man. The law as presently constituted and
practiced in Africa is not designed to further democracy and
individual enterprise. It is within parameters of the law that
Africans have been robbed, maimed and killed. For the last 30
years, the African political class has presided over 70
conflicts that have sentenced millions to untimely death. A
prominent East African cartoonist, Paul Kelemba (Maddo), aptly
captured the scenario in one of his cartoons that depicted the
political class held at ransom by a blood thirsty "anti-poor"
secret society. The truth is - it is the law that is anti poor
in Africa.
The cartoon depicts shadowy figures in dark glasses that hunt
down politicians, reward them with big houses and limousines and
demand that in return, the politicians must never address the
plight of the poor. Is it not the law that rewards politicians
with the power to plunder, mould the culture of entitlement and
exclude the masses from enterprise in return for political
loyalty? Most constitutions and legal systems in Africa operate
on the basis of winner takes it all; wars have been wedged
precisely because the excluded seek a piece of the pie.
Kenya presents a unique case of how the law has been subverted
to serve the interests of the few who weld instruments of power.
After elections in 2007, Kenyans witnessed a dramatic swearing
in of the incumbent president late in the evening in what became
a classic civilian coup on the continent. Whoever was behind the
move was well aware that the law as it stands will pose legal
challenges should any one attempt to unseat a duly sworn in
Clearly, the law was used to deny Kenyans a chance to have their
electoral power determine who their leader ought to be. As per
the law, whoever the Electoral Commission of Kenya declared the
winner; such was to be sworn in as president in spite of
arguments to the effect that no one knew (...?!) who actually
Another clear case of use of the law to muzzle Kenyans is
depicted in the ongoing debate between citizens and their
parliamentary representatives in matters of payment of taxes.
Legislators have enacted a law that prevents them from paying
taxes because they (MPs) argue that they are faced with
insecurity and give handouts to their constituents. Kenyan
voters on the other hand engage in similar acts of philanthropy
by supporting each other in terms of food, school, medical and
funeral fees; they are faced with insecurity and travel those
very same bad roads each weekend to visit their relatives; the
law demands that ordinary Kenyans pay taxes.
Citizens have no recall clause to get rid of rogue
parliamentarians and president - they are all reminded to follow
due process of the law! (Law abiding citizens must wait for 5
years because the law dictates that one must suffer the
injustices as per the law!)
The most dramatic aspect of citizen's impotence caused by the
law was displayed at the homecoming party for Kenya's Prime
Minister Hon. Raila Odinga. It was a shouting competition with
each politician literally seeking to be applauded and to appear
to be a friend of the poor. "... Reduce food prices or
government takes control of pricing!" was the resounding chorus.
Who to reduce prices? Millers. But millers argue that maize
prices are high- and point at the Agriculture Minister for
having increased maize prices to gain popularity among farmers
and maize cartels! Can anyone stem the tide of cartels; not the
law - it will take generations of court battles. The ordinary
citizens were left dry with a placard in hand that read "Flour
Ksh 105; Rent Ksh 2000; Salary Ksh 4,000; NO WE CANNOT!"
Anyone who watched the political discourse at the Raila party on
food prices must have noticed that the speakers appeared to know
someone (or group of persons) manipulating the prices for maize
meal. For some reason, the so called leaders were unable to give
names (because of the law!) but simply sought to burry
themselves in yet another blunder of asking for government
controls on pricing. Note; price controls is euphemism for using
the law to disenfranchise small traders and those who are not
politically correct!
Growing up in the pre-liberalization era, Kenyans witnessed days
when essential food commodities would disappear from the shelves
simply because the retailers anticipated increase in prices by
government. It is one thing to have cheap price controlled
commodities that one cannot access and another to have cartels
in government (and friendly to government functionaries) simply
create artificial scarcity.
It is now 45 years since Kenya 'gained independence' and her
legislators have no remote idea how to feed its 36 million plus
people. Instead of churning out policies and strategies that
ought to strengthen the country's sovereignty, the political
leadership has sunk Kenya in a $2 billion debt as of September 1
2008! The law empowers Kenyan political leaders to enter into
debt on behalf of 36 million people without having a mechanism
of consultation. As if aware of the fact that the law was
created to safeguard prefects of European outposts; political
leaders behave in a manner likely to suggest that they ought to
grab as much as they can while in office since somewhat they
believe that the 'owners' of the country will soon want it back.
This is not only a Kenyan story- it is the story of Africa. The
law determines who signs mining deals with Western companies;
the excluded resort to 'liberation wars' and care less about the
collateral damage – say the 5.6 million dead in Congo! The law
enforces property rights of the powerful while trampling on
those of the weak. The 'owners' of the law literally force
governments in Africa to negotiate with those wielding Rocket
Propelled Grenades (RPGs) in order to reach a power sharing
agreement that yet again excludes the will of their citizenry.
The law promotes agricultural control boards that determine
whether farmers can uproot unprofitable crops; it curtails free
movement of people; closes the African airspace and slows down
setting up of indigenous enterprises. The law in Africa
exemplifies Frederic Bastiat's assertion that... "The State is
that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the
expense of everyone else."
It is clear that Kenyans and by extension Africans must dig into
their history and right the wrongs that have been unleashed on
them by the law. A total re-examination of the continent's
fraudulently founded states ought to be the first step in order
to legitimize governance. Ignoring history serves to perpetuate
the robber mentality where the political classes collude with
global opportunists to plunder Africa and deny African citizens
a chance to engage in productive enterprise.
By James Shikwati
James Shikwati is the Founder President of the Inter Region
Economic Network and CEO of The African Executive an online
business magazine. Mr. Shikwati was named a 2008 Young Global
Leader by the World Economic Forum. james@irenkenya.org
Africa Needs Technology
Commentary, March 19 - Mr. Ochango, manager of
Western Kenya based Imwo Agrovet observes: “Eating sweet
potatoes and tea for breakfast is a sign of poverty. To show
improved status; one has to have tea, milk and buttered
bread here in the village.” . ...More
Political Parties Fund will make politicians lazy - Network
of registered NGOs
Accra, March 19, Ghanadot/GNA - The Network of
Associations of Registered NGOs in Ghana has disapproved of
the proposed Political Parties Fund, saying there should be
more public debate to adopt a viable alternative.....More |
Absent Drogba 'stripped of
Feb 5, BBC - Drogba was named Africa's Player of the
Year in 2006 Didier Drogba says he does not wish to be
considered for future African player of the year awards
after Frederic Kanoute won the 2007 title. .........More
Fair rates promote more business - practitioners of tourism
industry told
Accra, Feb. 5, Ghanadot/GNA - The Ghana Tourism
Society (GTS) has appealed to stakeholders in the tourism
industry, especially private companies that have enjoyed tax
rebates and exemptions to ensure that their prices and rates
were commensurate to their services....More |