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Ga Mantsɛ Abiasuma King Taki
Tawia III
1. Kwɛ bɔ ni maŋ ni
kulɛ emli bii fa babaoo lɛ ta shi ekome too! Kwɛɛɛ
bɔ ni etsɔ tamo okulafo; lɛ maŋ ni kulɛ eje agbo yɛ
majimaji ateŋ lɛ. lɛ ni kulɛ lumɔ ji lɛ yɛ maji ateŋ
lɛ, ŋmɛnɛ etsɔ mɔ ni atsuɔ lɛ onia.
2...." She weepeth
sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks:
among all her lovers she hath none to comfort her:
all her friends have dealt treacherously with her,
they are become her enemies."
I pay
this tribute to the late Ga Mantsɛ Abiasuma King Taki
Tawia III, a great king, of the Ga State, who has
gone on to the village to be with the ancestors and
who will forever remain a link between his people
and their God. Though a private person, he was born
royal, nurtured as a royal and he served his people
well as a king. If anyone brought
respectability and dignity to the Ga throne in this
past century, it was him, as he followed in the
footsteps of his great grandfather King Takyi Tawia
I whose title was aptly bestowed on him.
If I a
republican Ga, a commoner (from lowly Lagos Town) is
paying tribute to the late Ga Mantsɛ it is not
because I have warmed up to the concept of
monarchies, it is more because the person who
occupied the office was cultured and dignified and
lent reputability to the institution.
King Taki
Tawiah III was always serene and calm; he was
patient when answering my endless questions
about the critical conflicts between the Ga view of
things and the general world order of modernity. He
explained to me, on numerous occasions, before and
after he was king, how my perceived paradoxes could
be integrated into the reality of the urbanisation
of the Ga State within a republican Ghana.
When my
quest, as an ardent lifelong student of Ga culture,
history and customary practices, had been about an
arcane issue of dualism of our Ga persona, his focus
was always on the strategy for
restoring the influence and authority
of the institution of chieftaincy and the mechanisms
for engendering development and progress in the Ga
state in particular and our country Ghana.
knowledge of the culture, history and processes
of the Ga State was phenomenal, and every
declaration he made or action he took was grounded
on long laid principles. It was as if
knowing the issues that confronted the state, he had
prepared himself for office; and I was further
impressed when I learnt that he had started his
career as a lowly messenger but because of a natural
enquiring mind had been motivated to advance himself
by studying for a degree in Economics. He went
on to top it up with a doctorate in Law and
then to forge a career as an insurance broker
undertaking both technical and policy work. It was
clear that he was most suited for the office
of king and best reflected the wishes and
aspirations of all who wished for true empowered
development in Ga.
It is
said that many are called, but few are chosen and in
that regard when King Taki Tawiah III was
chosen to lead the Ga people, it was not only
because he came from royalty, he embodied
royalty! He achieved so much to help restore
nobility to the state within the short period of
time and when duly selected, as was customary, there
was a certain urgency in his manner as was expected
from someone who had spent several years
imbibing the customs from the elders.
At his
coronation, he swore an oath to the people that he
upheld till he passed on, that he would be a
different type of king, that he would use his
authority as Ga Mantsɛ to transform the office
for the development of his people. He immediately
set up a foundation and there were several other
initiatives dedicated to the education of his
people, provision of structured activities for
pupils, employment for the young people, and he
initiated a different type of liaison with
businesses to align their corporate social
responsibility with the principles of enlightened
self interest.
The late King Taki Tawiah III was strategic in his
thinking. He was a philosopher-king as well as a
lawyer-king who was committed to resolving conflicts
via the judicial process. Where others opted to flex
their muscles and resort to intimidation and present
as fundamentalists; he preached against violence and
other acts that would further destabilise an
institution under siege by interlopers. He
used the courts as he should.
The lessons of his actions in calling
for the elevation of several divisional chiefs
as paramount chiefs in the Ga State is just a
minor testament to the plans he had for the root and
branch restructuring of an institution that may now
collapse under its own weight because of corruption,
of practices and usages. Nevertheless
despite much resistance from his own, he
persevered to correct those ills.
was too much to do – the long period after
independence, when the processes of the institution
had been allowed to atrophy, had taken their toll
on the Ga State; correcting most of the wrongs was
near impossible in the face of opposition from those
who saw the status quo as the only way they could
benefit personally – a familiar story as told in
John 1:11 "He came unto his own, and his own
received him not"
When the history of the Ga people is re-written,
there should be a testament to power and warrior
kings who won battles for their people, there should
be a testament to docile kings who cooperated
with the colonisers and there should also be those
who accepted the position without knowing how to use
the benefits that came with it to enhance the lot of
their people. King Taki Tawia III will certainly
stand out amongst the greatest who was cerebral and
true to his word.
When he
was crowned as Ga Mantsɛ with the antelope
hat, the symbol of the Ga State, he lived
up to the motto: that the route to the top is not
based on size or physical and military strength but
on wisdom which is why the elephant may
be the largest and strongest animal in the forest,
but the smaller and wiser antelope will always stand
on top of the elephant – manko ta manko nɔ.
And now
with your permission I will share with you what I
wrote on FaceBook on the GaDangme Virtual Forum
when I learnt of his passing
Nii Ga,
Afɛkɛdi Borkete Afadi
Osa tso ko, osa nyanyara
Amena, Amena, Amesu, Amesu,
Nii Nyiɛmɔ
Nanti, Nanti, Nanti
Owula mli Owula,
Nilelɔ ni otsɔ wɔ gbɛ
Sane nɛɛ edɔwɔ
Shi Nii Ga, ofee he eko
Nii Ga, kpoo, Nii Ga, kpoo
Oseɛ moko baanye aba lo.
so to the family at large, the widow, children and
siblings who are bereft but have been
unable to mourn till now, your father gave
hope to many withthe conviction that there is surely
a way out of most crises and that
persevering to resolve the wrongs of the past has
its benefits. We all mourn with you, your loss is
our loss and we should be
able to continue to comfort you. Let us
recall these words from the classics.
Here was a Caesar!
when comes such another?
yaawɔ ojogbaŋŋ, Nii yaawɔ ojogbaŋŋ, Nii yaawɔ
Sawyerr – London March, 2013--
The late Ga Manste
King Takie Tawiah III
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but many stories die'
JamaicaObserver, May 4, Ghanadot - "Do we desire
more voices or the encroaching silence of just a few?"
Gibbings queried, as the discussion opened on such "real
applications" as criminal defamation and the "existence
of impunity" in the Caribbean....More
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Commentary, May 06, Ghanadot - It
must not be difficult to fathom that Kufuor did
marvelously well in ensuring that the project could be
revived, many years after the Great Osagyefo had
identified the Bui area as suitable for an addition to
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China Development Bank over gas infrastructure
GBN, May 04, Ghanadot - "We did offer the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
loan enclave which is very good long term loan
financing. Of course whenever we provide source of
funding, that source of funding is with all the rules
and regulations of the Bank. For example, ..... there
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Remembering King
Tackie Tawiah III, a man, a giant and a royal
Personality, May 04, Ghanadot
- The mild mannered Dr. Joe Blankson, now late King
Takie Tawia III, was a leader who for a frown would
choose to wear a smile. But the visceral toughness in
him was always there and could respond at critical times
as answer to appropriate situations.