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Nelson Mandela
After the table turned on apartheid in 1994, the sum effect was that
a minority white South African tyrant found itself free, safe and
prosperous under a majority black egalitarian rule. .......
Alas, Mandela the great
man has passed
Commentary, Dec 06, Ghanadot - After the table turned
on apartheid in 1994, the sum effect was that a minority
white South African tyrant found itself free, safe and
prosperous under a majority black egalitarian rule. .........More , |
African leaders complain of bias at
ICC as Kenya trials get underway
Washpost, Dec 06, Ghanadot - The 11-year-old court of
last resort was set up to take on some of the world’s most
heinous crimes. But its choice of where to pursue cases has
frustrated African leaders who say that comparable crimes
elsewhere in the world are being ignored — and that race is
a factor in the decision making..
Mandela’s achievements live in
contrast to South Africa’s neighbours
NationalPost, Dec 06, Ghanadot - If you want an
idea of the remarkable nature of Nelson Mandela and his
accomplishments in South Africa, one of the easiest ways
is to compare his country to the decrepit backwater that
exists just across its northern border in Zimbabwe..
France's Hollande urges Africa
to take control of its own security
TheStar, Dec 07, Ghanadot - French President
Francois Hollande urged African leaders on Friday to
take a grip on their continent's security by creating a
long-delayed regional force, after Paris was forced into
its second military operation this year....More