We invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject
submissions, but we are not necessarily responsible for the opinions
expressed in articles we publish......MORE
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Press Release
February 20, 2014
Social Africa: building bridges
through ICT
The eLearning Africa “Through your Lens” Photo Competition 2014
is launched today and the deadline for entries is Monday, April
14th 2014.
Wednesday, February 19th 2014. The eLearning Africa “Through
your Lens” Photo Competition is back this year in its fifth
edition. Under the theme of “Social Africa: building bridges
through ICT”, budding photographers are invited to submit
snapshots depicting how ICT is enhancing the way individuals and
communities in Africa live, learn, cooperate and connect.
Contributions from all sectors and walks of life are welcome.
The photo should show how communication tools and information
technologies can build bridges and foster relationships between
people and be accompanied by a brief description outlining the
inspiration behind their idea.
Photos can be submitted via the eLearning Africa “Through your
Lens” Facebook application from now until April 14th 2014.
eLearning and photography enthusiasts from across Africa and the
rest of the world have the chance to share their view of ICT in
Africa. The winners will be picked by an expert panel of judges
and a public vote, and prizes include a tablet pc, a digital
camera and an mp3 player. Participation is free and a selection
of the submitted photos will feature in an exhibition at this
year’s eLearning Africa conference.
This photo competition is organised by eLearning Africa 2014,
the largest and most comprehensive event for ICT-enhanced
education and training in Africa, enabling participants to
develop multinational and cross-industry contacts and
partnerships, as well as to enhance their knowledge, expertise
and abilities. Now in its 9th year, the eLearning Africa
conference will be taking place from May 28th – 30th 2014 in
Kampala, Uganda.
All eligible photos submitted to the competition can be viewed
and voted on via the dedicated Facebook application or by
visiting http://elearning-africa.com/photo_competition_gallery.php.
Full details are available here: http://elearning-africa.com/photo_competition_home.php
Last year’s winning photographs can be viewed here: http://www.elearning-africa.com/photo_competition_home_2013.php
• eLearning Africa, 9th International Conference on ICT for
Development, Education and Training
• May 28 - 30, 2014
• Speke Resort and Conference Centre Ltd, Munyonyo, Kampala,
• Organisers: ICWE GmbH (http://www.icwe.net), Government of the
Republic of Namibia
Managing Director: Rebecca Stromeyer
Email: info@elearning-africa.com
Website: http://www.elearning-africa.com,
Tel.: +49 (0)30 310 18 18-0
Press Contacts
ICWE GmbH, Andrea Ricciarelli
andrea.ricciarelli@icwe.net Tel.: +49 (0)30 310 18 18-0, Fax:
+49 (0)30 324 98 43
Social media
Facebook: eLearning Africa Group | https://www.facebook.com/groups/17387268602/
eLearning Africa Facebook Page | https://www.facebook.com/pages/eLearning-Africa/410699252298030?id=410699252298030&sk=app_244041225639079
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eLAconference , @eLAconference,
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2078853&trk=my_groups-b-grp-v
Press releases
News Portal
unsubscribe: http://vicinity.picsrv.net/u/1619/2485434ed3601f4b6b777383f1421525/

The anniversary
of the 1964 Civil
Rights Act is upon
Commentary, Feb 19, Ghanadot - The usual
distortions in favor of a particular ideological
narrative about the Civil Rights Act continue in the
media. But if the US Senate record of the time had any
validity, Republicans have the right to claim the moral
high ground on the 50th anniversary of the
Ghana Orders Plant Remain Open
to Prevent Wider Water Shortage
Bloomberg, Feb 21, Ghanadot - Ghana Water Co.
will not be allowed to shut down the Kpong water plant
northeast of Accra from Feb. 24 to Feb. 28 for
maintenance, the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission
said today in an e-mailed statement. The facility pumps
about 36 million gallons of water to Accra each day,
while the only other plant for the city’s 4.5 million
residents supplies 55 million gallons daily...
ATL is dying slowly-Management
VibeGhana, Fen 21, Ghandot -
Akosombo Textile Limited (ATL), one of the leading
fabric companies in the country is on the verge of
collapsing as a result of cheap imports from China and
other countries, Mr Ebenezer Kwasi Darko, Human
Resources Manager of the company has disclosed. .......More

Mugabe turns 90 -- with no idea
of the secret to his longevity
Feb 21, Ghanadot - "I do not know how I have
come to live this long," Zimbabwe's President Robert
Mugabe said a month ahead of his 90th birthday, which he
celebrates on Friday
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