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, rruption |
On the battle against corruption
Kweku Danso, Ph.D
February 04, 2014
I have lived in America for 45 years and never saw any issue of
(1) Public disagreement,
(2) shady suspected government deals or scandal,
(3) malfeasance, dissatisfaction,
(4) contractor poor materials or construction causing financial
that did not end up in court!!
As we write the New Jersey Governor is in deep trouble when his
office with or without his knowledge, ordered the State
transportation department to close down some Highway lanes
leading to one town where the Mayor is a Democrat and did not
endorse the Governor during the elections! They already have a
legal inquiry going on, after which the man, if found to have
known about it and lied in his public statements, will be
indicted, then impeached by the State Legislature, and possible
go to prison!!
In Ghana cocaine can turn into baking powder and nobody knows
what to do!
Gold bars shipped by Aircraft to Dubai can turn into Iron rods
and nobody knows what to do?
What do I tell my late grandfather when we meet in land yonder
about what we gained from Education? What is Komla Dumor going
to tell grandfather over there? That he was a good speaker and
promoted by BBC, but the open gutters were still around and
Agbogbloshie was still the same, and water and electricity being
rationed when he was departing? Huh!
Look, America’s greatness and that of most western nations have
not come about due to superior intellect alone but application
to make laws, enforce them, and discipline in culture! Period!
If you read Lee Kuan Yew, he mentions discipline as the only
difference he could see difference between his nations success
and other third world nations and cites how at the Commonwealth
nations conference he saw nations with 1-2 Airplanes attend with
the Prime Minister or President, ignoring the needs of the whole
nation for the 3 days conference.
And on legal funds to keep corruption in check, Kweku Danso
Look, we all like to talk and I am personally past that age and
period and have more important things to do than read and chat
about Ghana. .... If other lawyers want to engage us and
see areas we can use the Law to help our nation, let us discuss
and we will pay the money! What I don’t want is the
give-me-the-money first without dialogue. No! We are all
educated and intelligent. After all, how many here cannot afford
to pay say $25-50 per month towards this fund if they know their
country is going to be made better?
To me, it’s not the money but the commitment of an Attorney.
However for the sake of Rev. Lawyer George Asomaning Agbetor, we
will go ahead and set up the fund and see how many here just
like to shoot the breeze, as they say, or do something serious
for their nation legally beyond the patapaa useless utterances
as one SC Judge said.
Kwaku A. Danso, PhD (Email: dansojfk@gmail.com)
(President, Ghana Leadership Union, Inc(NGO) and Moderator, GLU

of Faith in Africa and the African Diaspora
Review, Feb 04, Ghanadot - Communities of Faith
is a collection of essays on the multicultural Christian
spirit and
practices of churches around the world, with particular
a ention to Africa and the
African diaspora. e essays span history, theology,
anthropology, ecumenism, and
missiology.Readers will be treated to fresh perspectives
on African Pentecostal higher education,.....More
Ghana contributes 10% of
its budget to agriculture sector to ensure 6% annual
GBC, Jan 31, Ghanadot - The minister of food and
agriculture Clement Kofi Humado said Ghana has for the
last five years been contributing 10% of its budget to
the agricultural sector in order to ensure 6% annual
growth. ...
AU renames conference hall
after Mandela
D ailyTimes, Jan 31,
Ghanadot - The African Union (AU), on Thursday,
renamed the conference hall of its headquarters in Addis
Ababa after former South African president Nelson
Mandela...Mandela died in Johannesburg on Dec. 5 and was
buried in Qunu, the Eastern Cape, on Dec. 15. The motion
to rename the conference hall, which hosts the meeting
of AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government, after
Mandela was moved by Algeria’s Ambassador to AU, Rachid
Benlounes .........More

How low must the bar
for state burial fall?
Commentary, Feb 03, Ghanadot - How to honor a
Ghanaian of merit should not be a problem. We should
note the warning expressed by Thomas Aquinas, ably
described by the writer Carson Halloway in his book
“Magnanimity and Statesmanship”, that “the excess of the
common man is – the desire for political honor or
responsibility for excellence that he does not actually
possess.” . - .....More