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Would YOU Employ Mahama Again?
Kofi Opare Hagan
December 01, 2014
Dear Ghanaians,
I write concerning a certain gentleman called John D. Mahama
who has submitted an application to be considered for
employment as President of Ghana.
This gentleman states in his application that you were his
last employers. He says he has for the past eight years
being working for you; first as Vice President and then as
President. I would be grateful if you provide me with some
information about his performance on the job.
Was he honest as a worker? Was he diligent on the job? Did
he meet the targets your company(Ghana) set for him? What
about his own targets in his budget? Was he ever useful as
President? Did he fight corruption or even pretend to fight
it? Did he reduce poverty? Did he narrow the gapping chasm
of inequalities?What about the menace of drugs?
At a personal level what was his human relations like? Was
he snobbish? Rude? Did he often say things in public that he
ought not to say? Did he use words like 'baloney'? I hear he
is a great communicator, how did his 'skill' help your
company in cutting down on her debts? Did it ever bring you
Was he a good family man? A husband of one wife? A lover of
one woman? Did he go astray following youthful pleasures
while he ought to be working?
And who were his advisors? Were they wise, matured men or
just loud sycophants? Did he often lie and make excuses? Did
he often blame others for his incompetence and non-performance?Did
he promise much and deliver less than little?
Did he ever appreciate the job to be done? Did he have a
sense of urgency around him? Did he earn your respect as
President? What about his peers? Did they value him or
treated him with a superficial likeness because of what he
could do for them? Should I employ him?Given the chance
would you employ him again?
Would his sloganeering improve any aspect of my life? Is he
worth the wages and privileges I shall have to give him
every month as President?
Does he command the respect of peers abroad?
Well, I know I have asked a great many questions. But think
about it and give me your answer. I need it to ensure that
my company doesn't end up like yours. A sad story from grace
to grass, a leadership fallen from class to crass.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Sincerely Yours,
Cosby, a man being crushed
Commentary, Dec 01, Ghanadot - No
trial yet. No guilt established, yet the
punishment has been delivered – Cosby’s
little reputation left is at the end of the
rope, left to swing and wither in the wind. . ..More
Black death'
kills 40 in Madagascar
BangkogPost, Nov 24, Ghanadot -
Madagascar has been hit with an outbreak of
plague, with 119 confirmed cases and 40
deaths, the World Health Organization said.
The bacterial disease, transmitted by rat
fleas, originated in the Soamahatamana
village in August and has spread to 16
districts, the organization said in a
statement yesterday. Antananarivo, the
capital of the island nation off the eastern
coast of Africa, has two recorded cases,
including one death.......More
ECG to be sold in
Ghanaweb, Dec 01, Ghanadot - The
planned privatization of Electricity Company
of Ghana, a cardinal recommendations of the
IMF's bailout plans is on course, Business
Day has learnt....The paper has also
gathered that the privatization of the power
distribution company could come into full
force next year... . More
Power Cuts Extended to Coca-Cola and
Unilever Plants
Bloomberg, Dec 03, Ghanadot - Ghana
said it will cut power to factories
including ones run by Unilever NV and
Coca-Cola Co. to offset a worsening shortage
of electricity.