invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject submissions,
but we are not necessarily responsible for the opinions expressed
in articles we publish......MORE
MAY 26- JULY 5, 2011
By Dr. Nii Bonney
The work of three Ghanaian women artists- Marigold Akufo-Addo,
Adwoa Boakyewaa Amoah and Fatric Bewong constitute the
exhibition, “Presence in Absence”. All of the three, who are
painters, live and work in Accra.
This exhibition enhances the already solid reputation of the Dei
Center as a well appointed venue and a credible institution for
the showcasing and study of contemporary African art.
Fulani Head
By Marigold
Akufo-Addo |
The glossy exhibition catalog also reinforces the indispensable
standard of providing provenance for the work of contemporary
Ghanaian artists; sadly up to only a few years ago this was
missing at local art exhibitions.
However, the same catalog posits “Presence in Absence” within
the “patriarchal structure of the current contemporary Ghanaian
art world”. Really?? |
A simple collation of elementary empirical evidence with respect
to ownership and control of art galleries within the center of
Accra renders this assertion as inaccurate. Perhaps, the three
women artists know this and that is why they “eschew an
essential female position”!
The common thread in their work appears to be popular culture;
this is central to their symbolism of expression thus lending
itself to Ghanaian exaggeration or hyperbole while concurrently
subverting and asserting authority.
With Adwoa Amoah, she is undeniably on a quest. Her quest is to
locate herself as a Ghanaian- as an African-as an artist within
the contemporary world. She explores the eye (?I) as a metaphor
in form and material.
Working with oil on canvas as a base followed by aggregations of
newspaper cuttings and photographs, the mixed media productions
of Amoah question, analyze and inform the social construct of
identification. She forgoes facial features and focuses on the
intricacies of the eye/eyes- and their immediate surroundings.
In her works “Obi”, “Take a stand” and “Piloloo III” these
techniques come to fruition as a panoramic survey of the
multitude of phenotypes of this “window to the soul”. Emotions
and chance effect are provided decisive agency in the repetitive
nature of the exercise thereby enhancing the viewer’s choice of
Over the last several years, it appears that Amoah has transited
to the use of brighter colors; she has moved away from the dark
blues, indigo and black of her earlier works. Perhaps this
renders her work more accessible.
Fatric Bewong’s acrylic paintings on canvas are explosive
dynamic splotches of textured color that attempt to freely
encapsulate the emotions, energies and sounds of her
environment. Bewong utilizes the random fluidity and fusion of
the various acrylic paint pigments to signify the effect of
globalization on emerging economies and particularly on their
physical environments.
The resultant images are ominous; “Gush!”, “Flow”, “HeaRing the
Sea” and “Just before the Rains” are all potent harbingers of a
fossil fuel based economy, run riot through naked greed and
monumental political and institutional incompetence; everything
is then at risk-land, sea, animals and of course, the human
Clearly, Bewong must be applauded for her courage in trying to
introduce new imagery into the tool bag of representation in
Ghanaian art; the results while uneven can definitely not go
unnoticed or unappreciated.
A graduate of the Slade School of Fine Art, Marigold Akufo-Addo
has had a long and colorful history in contemporary African art.
She utilizes oil, acrylics and mixed media to build up her
canvasses in minute squares.
These textured squares glitter – almost like sequins, thereby
unfolding changing or evolving forms and shimmering landscapes.
Transcultural ideographs are often incorporated in the
paintings; they include Arabic script in “The Last Dance at Bobo
Daoulasso/Dalabani”; elements of Islamic/Moorish architecture in
“Krekue Djan” and hieroglyphics in “Falcon/Self Take Off”.
The blood stained background around the central slag heap with
its skyscrapers recalls the great city of the south and the
seminal struggle of its indigenous workers in “Conflict Diamonds
II”; here Akufo-Addo achieves a riveting effect. The androgynous
“Head-Fulani” is a post-modern gem and almost just doubles as a
video installation.
When at her best, Akufo-Addo’s art is wonderfully adept at
delving into the past and harnessing it for the present in order
to enhance or consolidate the future.
All told, the curatorial team at the Dei Center has created a
highly satisfactory exhibition. The works though uneven for each
individual artist are candid, polemical and thought provoking.
” Presence in Absence” provides a timely, important and
meaningful window into a CENTRAL aspect of contemporary Ghanaian
art- the work of women artists.
Nii Bonney Andrews
Blebo We- Sakumo
June 25,2011.
On the matter of what to do with Kufuor's
"food prize" award (Ghanaweb, June 25, 2011)
Debate, June 25, Ghanadot - This writer asks "Will
Kufuor's $250,000 Hunger Award Benefit Nation?" ...He
immediately provides an answer in his first paragraph, "Former
President John Agyekum Diawuo Kofi Kufuor has dedicated his
World Food Prize Foundation Award to the Republic of Ghana, and
it is certainly the right thing to do by any responsible
leader.". ....More
I Wish Samia Becomes National
Chair Of CPP - Kabila
PeaceFM, Nov 3, Ghanadot -
National Youth Organiser of the Convention People’s
Party (CPP), James Kwabena Bomfeh aka Kabila, has openly
endorsed the candidature of the daughter of Ghana’s
first President, Samia Nkrumah for the Chairmanship of
the party....More
Kafo Didi: Living Large but Producing Very
Commentary, Feb 14, Ghanadot - Conventional wisdom
strongly suggests that corruption is a way of life in Ghana.
There is perhaps no Ghanaian of adult age who has never paid a
bribe for a government service.......More
Review, June 26, Ghanadot - The work of three
Ghanaian women artists- Marigold Akufo-Addo, Adwoa Boakyewaa
Amoah and Fatric Bewong constitute the exhibition, “Presence
in Absence”. All of the three, who are painters, live and
work in Accra.....More |