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Black lives
don't matter: No lives matter when Life is not
Star Parker
Center for Urban Renewal and Education
August 26, 2015
Video number eight from the Center for Medical
Progress has been released, containing segments
of material from its previous seven videos,
depicting Planned Parenthood's gruesome commerce
in infant body parts.
This includes commerce in intact cadavers. One
segment shows an executive of one of its client
firms laughing about it.
This latest video has provoked a new round of
demonstrations by thousands across the nation to
continue to raise awareness about the sickening,
inhumane, and yes, uncivilized behavior that is
tolerated in our nation. And even more
unbelievably, that taxpayer funds (more than
$500 million dollars annually) are funneled to
Planned Parenthood, which conducts this
How do we, with any seriousness, have
discussions in America about fairness, about
decency, as our tax dollars go to the nation's
largest abortion provider — 327,653 done in its
fiscal year 2014 — which then engages in trade
in the remains of these infants?
By what standard can Americans speak about
social justice? What is right? What is wrong?
It seems to have evaded many American minds that
we have two choices about where to turn to get
our standards for truth: either traditional
Biblical sources or popular culture and
No people in America have suffered more as
result of turning moral standards over to the
nation's political class than blacks. Yet
blacks, despite on average having the highest
church attendance in the country, continue to
allow politicians to define morality.
The Black Lives Matter movement is supposedly
about social justice. Their supporters express
outrage at the sentiment that "all lives
matter," claiming this denigrates and
trivializes the unfair treatment of blacks in
the criminal justice system.
But how do you define fair or unfair behavior
toward particular lives in a society that
politicizes the most serious questions
concerning life itself?
Let's wind back the clock a few years to August
2008, when then-Senator Barack Obama, Democrat
candidate for president of the United States,
sat in Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback Church in
Orange County, California, and was asked by
Pastor Warren, "At what point does a baby get
human rights, in your view?"
Obama's reply: "Well, you know, I think that
whether you are looking at it from a theological
perspective, or a scientific perspective,
answering that question with specificity, you
know, is above my paygrade."
A man who has no absolute standard for defining
the onset of life has been elected twice as
America's president, with 95 percent of blacks
voting for him.
And we wonder why the country is confused?
Blacks wonder why justice is politicized and
unfair? Fair based on what? What a politician
According to the Center for Disease Control,
36.2 percent of abortions in 2011 were performed
on black women, about 3 times the percentage of
black women in the female population.
Blackgenocide.org estimates that there have been
16 million black abortions since 1973. It seems
blacks themselves have decided that black life
is cheap.
In 1970, three years before Roe v. Wade
legalized abortion, around 55 percent of black
adults were married. By 2010, this was down to
32 percent. In 1970, around 30 percent of black
women who gave birth did so out of wedlock. By
2010, this was up to 72.5 percent.
The politicization of truth, of absolutes about
right and wrong, has taken a toll on all of
America. But like all problems in the country,
blacks are hit the hardest.
Want to make America great again? Restore our
culture as one of personal responsibility. All
lives will matter when we restore our national
respect for the mystery and sanctity of life.
Begin by ending the outrage of U.S. taxpayer
funds going to Planned Parenthood, supporting
the most degrading, dehumanizing, uncivilized
activities that the human mind can imagine.
Doing so will demonstrate that Americans can
once again respect themselves and as a result,
respect each other.
Star Parker
Sad Story Of How
Over 4 Million Ghanaians Survive On Highly Polluted
Densu River
ModernGhana, Aug 28, Ghanadot - River Densu
forms part of the Densu Basin which flows from the
thick Atiwa Forest in the Eastern Region and serves
as a source of drinking water for more than four
million people living in the Greater Accra, Central
and Eastern Regions of Ghana........More |
How Africa can benefit from
the data revolution
Guardian, Aug 27, Ghanadot - Our modern
infrastructure is based on information. Since the
1950s, investment in data storage and distribution
by companies and countries has been massive.
Historically, data was centralised a single
database. Perhaps one for representing the health of
a nation, and another database for monitoring social
security. However, the advent of the internet is
showing that many of our existing data systems are
no longer fit for purpose.....More
plan for unusual people living in unusual times
Commentary, Aug 26, Ghanadot -
I have read on ongoing basis, with baited
interest ,discussions on the intended 40 year
development plan for Ghana. Baited interest
because of the 40 years hook, the necessity of
the idea; but all the same time, I am worried by
the inherent weaknesses within the idea.
The bio-fuel
start-up that sells cooking gas by the rucksack
BBC, Aug 27, Ghanadot - Currently Ms Zenebech
is using the biogas to cook snacks to sell at the
police station next door, but her longer term aim is
to sell the bags of gas to nearby homes, along the
lines of the business model suggested by B-Energy.