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Can CPP win in 2016?
By Ade Sawyerr
February 14, 2015
Since Ivor Greenstreet won a spectacular
election to become the CPP flag bearer, I
have been asked this question by several
people who know my passion for the Party
that is Supreme but who also know that I am
honest in my writings about the party. So I
have been wondering what it really takes to
win a presidential election in Ghana.
For instance if it is about the number of
times the candidate stands then we have a
clear winner because Edward Mahama is
running his fourth campaign after taking a
break in 2012 for Hassan Ayariga to run.
Nana Akufo Addo is on his third run, and so
is Paa Kwesi Nduom, but Atta Mills won on
his third run after changing his running
mates each time. If Abu Sakara were to make
good his promise to run as an independent
and Hassan Ayariga gets his party
registered, then they will join, Henry
Lartey and John Mahama in making their
second run except that John Mahama won on
his first attempt. Rawlings also won on his
first attempt and Kufour on his second after
changing running mate. So it not about the
number of times you run.
Do politicians win an election because they
say they would with some even predicting the
margin of victory like one touch or 64%? I
know that every politician standing must say
that they will win but really the decision
is made by the electorate and dependent on
too many variables to make the life of a
political pundit difficult. So it is not
what the politicians think that is important
but how the electorate vote.
But conventional wisdom tells us that most
elections are lost by the ruling party,
though they have the power of incumbency,
the electorate tends to punish them more for
the negative things that stick in their
minds than the positive things that they do.
So whilst it is alright for the party in
power to shout to high heaven about all the
development they have done, if they truly
have not lifted the country out of poverty
and a larger number of people have not felt
all these good things they claim they have
done, then change will come, especially
since people will vote them out.
The electorate have a penchant for punishing
those who are arrogant enough to take them
for granted especially of the whiff of
perceived corruption still persists and they
have not been able to shake of the abuses of
So what about the main opposition? What do
they need to do to convince the people?
These days 24 years after a post Rawlings
military regime, the electorate are getting
more sophisticated. They still remember why
they got the opposition party out of power
and wonder why the promises that are being
made now were not implemented in when they
had a chance the last time round. The norm
of 8 years on 8 years off may just be
changed with a 4 year cycle of tenure for
the main political parties because the
electorate are getting a bit tetchy and are
ready for an alternative only if the CPP can
deliver a major upset and influence this
election in a way that is unimaginable.
The indicators that something is happening
in Ghanaian politics are writ large all over
the place. The president is struggling to
reshuffle his cabinet, too many incumbent
MPs in both the NDC and the NPP have been
deselected by their parties, and the
problems within the executive of the main
opposition NPP is yet to be fully resolved.
But there are also problems within one or
two of the bellwether constituencies. Both
the NDC and the NPP cannot do the simple
thing of selecting a candidate for Korle
Klottey, both have gone to court to help
them along and this clearly links to a
dissatisfaction amongst the party faithful
that a candidate is going to be imposed or
forced on them. This seat has changed hands
between parties so often and I remember
spending quite a bit of time there in 1969
campaigning for a Harry Sawyerr, a son of
the land, standing as an independent in an
electoral pact with NAL and winning a
deserved victory against the PP. In that
same election Harry Bannerman won standing
for Ababasee against both NAL and the PP in
Odododiodoo another bellwether constituency.
Odododiodoo has changed sides several many
times between the NDC and NPP and is looking
for an upset. That will certainly happen if
a resurgent CPP under Ivor Greenstreet is
able to get a true daughter of the land who
may just be able to unify Jamestown and
Ussher Town against an incumbency that is
struggling under the weight of chieftaincy
problems that they have created.
But having just mentioned the CPP, it was
not like I forgot that there is a new kid in
town, a total game changer, fresh and fierce
in articulating the needs of the people and
his first time round at it, though not a
novice because he has proved adept at
winning elections in different terrains and
he is as bold as Nkrumah was even braver.
What would I make of him? My bias is already
showing but perhaps that is what Ghana
really needs, a gallant and valiant warrior
who has a groundswell of grassroots support
that is snowballing and certainly needs to
be broadened. He grabs the imagination of
the common man and may just affect this
election in an unusual way. What does he
have to do to make this happen? I know he is
a genuine politician so he just has to be
himself, continue talking about what is
wrong with Ghana and how he will do his bit
to help transform a warped economy, how he
will engage all and just some in the
economic development, how he will create the
jobs that we all need in the country and how
he will ensure that health care is available
for all and not just the few and how he will
project our cultural identity and make Ghana
proud again.
I think over a period of time our
politicians have promised more than they
have delivered and that is because they have
focused on macro-economic adjustments at the
expense of what the people want. They have
done so because they are grossly out of
touch with their electorate and have driven
everyone to Accra when most would have
wanted to remain and help in the development
effort in their hometowns.
But seriously can CPP win the presidential
elections? My honest answer is that though
CPP will struggle to win enough seats to
have a majority in Parliament, Ivor
Greenstreet has as good a chance as possible
of winning the Presidency. He will not win
because I am saying so, or because the stars
are aligned in a particular way. He will win
because he will be able to unify a coalition
around him and extend the reach of the party
beyond the faithful, he will win because he
has already started doing the work
mobilising and building the structures that
were left to atrophy, he will win because he
will be able to define what he stands for
and that will resonate with the people, and
he will win because as a strategist par
excellence he will be able to deploy and
electoral strategy that will ensure that
most people voting for him will be convinced
that they are not wasting their vote because
they would have seen the evidence of things
to come.
If Greenstreet runs a good campaign devoid
of insults and presents to the people of
Ghana a clear agenda for change then the
power of this green movement will endure, it
will also usher in a new era of politics
where the issues get debated where
conflicting ideas see the light of day and
where the electorate will suddenly realise
that they have alternatives.
For too long most have seen the country as
one full of resources and yet we continue to
wonder why they are a lot of people living
under 10 cedis a day and when the resources
are exploited, because we do not add value
to them we end up with crappy prices and we
end up getting aid from countries and
companies that are exploiting us
economically. We need now to be resourceful
to deploy the most creative and productive
strategies to enable us harness our
resources to better use but in doing so we
must be thinking about how best our people
can benefit.
I feel that this is indeed a start of a new
stage in Ghana politics and know that with
all the people crying out for someone who
will be innovative and dynamic to use the
power of the state to deliver for the
people, Ivor Greenstreet who leads this new
found Green revolution will deliver
responsive government for the people of
Ghana. A vote for him will never by any
stretch of the imagination be a wasted vote.
There is a lot of work to do in the country
and this is the best time as any for moving
the country forward. Forward Ever!
Best Regards
Ade Sawyerr is a partner
in the diversity focused management
consultancy Equinox Consulting that works on
issues relating to economic development of
disadvantaged communities and social
cultural and political issues of African
heritage people in the Diaspora. He can be
reached at jwasawyerr@gmail.com, @adesawyerr,
.......More |

IMANI boss fires back at NCA on
Afriwave saga
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IMANI Ghana, NCA lock horns
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Can CPP win in 2016?
Commentary, Feb 15,
Ghanadot -
We need now to be
resourceful to deploy the most creative and productive
strategies to enable us harness our resources to better
use but in doing so we must be thinking about how best
our people can benefit.....More