invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject submissions,
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in articles we publish......MORE
"It is time to think”
By Kofi Akosah-Sarpong
“It is time to think,” said Prof. Helen Lauer, head of
the Philosophy Department of the University of Ghana, in
singing the praises of Prof. Kwame Gyekye, a renowned
Ghanaian philosopher. While Lauer might have said that
in relation to Gyekye’s lectures, the relevance today
goes beyond the close confines of Legon and to the
broader Ghanaian developmental struggles.
Why? The disturbing impressions are that
Ghanaian/African elites cannot think well or
philosophize well enough from within their cultural
values in growing their development processes. This has
made the African continent the only region in the world
where foreign development paradigms dominate development
processes to the disadvantage of its cultural values.
It is as if Africans have no values of their own, and,
therefore, soulless and at the brutal mercy of foreign
forces. No doubt, there are on-going schisms between
Ghanaian values and Western ones that have been blocking
the development process.
But to repair this situation involves how
Ghanaian/African elites think from within their cultural
values first and projected it into the universal
prosperity level. The central issue here is respect and
dignity of Ghanaian/African values. The motivation here
is that the organism or the project called Ghana has
been thinking as a development material not from within
its core traditional values but from the neo-liberal
ones. Such atmosphere has created a culture of elites
who may know their Western education pretty well but do
not understand their traditional values and relate them
skillfully to their immediate environment for progress.
Such disequilibrium in the paradigms running Ghana have
occurred because Ghanaian/African elites have not been
able to simultaneously disentangle themselves and
balance their thinking against the ancient colonial
arguments that suppressed and demeaned their values
(with all its psychological and confidence building
implications), and set up education systems that draw
from within their innate values, as the centres for
“mental forms and processes” for development.
In such situation the mental forms and processes that
are to produce the development thinking are skewed
against Ghanaian/African values. And Ghanaian elites
carried them on all the same. No doubt, the thinking
that are to allow Ghanaians/African elites to model
their development universe and to “deal with it
according to their objectives, plans, ends and desires”
were one-side in relation to Ghanaian’s/African’s.
Now, with this realization, “it is time to think,” time
to philosophize about the development paradigms running
Ghana from within its values – both logically and
materially. This will entail the working out of the
algebra of Ghana’s development from within its values in
relation to its inherited neo-liberal ones. Ghana will
need a rewind of Kwame Gyekye or its own Karl Polyani,
Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx or Sigmund Freud to think
grandly from with its conventional values up to the
global prosperity ones in order to float the necessary
mix of confidence and psychology needed to balance the
Western neo-liberal values currently running its
Ghanaian elites appropriation of the Gyekye “it is time
to think” will open up Francis Fukuyama’s The End of
History and the Last Man, in which he argued that the
progression of human history as a struggle between
development ideologies is largely at an end, with the
world settling on liberal ethos after the end of the
Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. While
the practical necessities of Fukuyama’s argument is
unassailable, it means the Gyekye “it is time to think”
idea has to enrich Fukuyama’s argument by playing
simultaneously with neo-liberal values and Ghana’s
traditional ideals, as other global experiences show,
especially in Southeast Asia.
That will be Ghana’s post-independent future where, for
confidence and psychological reasons, the “triumph” of
“political and economic liberalism” is harmonized
understandably with Ghanaian traditional values in
Ghana’s development process.
By Kofi Akosah-Sarpong,
Canada, July 3, 2009
.......More |
"It is time to think”
Commentary, July 3, Ghanadot -
“It is time to think,” said Prof. Helen Lauer, head of
the Philosophy Department of the University of Ghana, in
singing the praises of Prof. Kwame Gyekye, a renowned
Ghanaian philosopher.........More
Weaving African religion into
Review, July 3, Ghanadot - One of the complicated
issues facing Ghana’s progress is how religion could be used
for progress. The current religious scenes activities of the
recent spiritual churches are of much concern, sometimes
muddling progress against....
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There are no conditionalities to the World Bank loan.
Finance Minister
Accra, July 2, Ghanadot - On a radio interview today, the
Finance Minister, Dr. Kwabena Duffour revealed that due to
the immense financial reform being embarked upon currently
by the government, there are no conditionalities attached to
the World Bank loan....
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Counterfeit goods stifling industries
in Ghana
Accra, July 3, Ghanadot - IPN, in that
report estimated that almost one per cent of drugs sold in
Ghana, Nigeria, Angola, Burundi and the Congo are fake and
sub-standard leaving people unknowingly consume paint saw
dust, cement, talcum powder and other toxic substances ....More