We invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject
submissions, but we are not necessarily responsible for the opinions
expressed in articles we publish......MORE
N. B. Andrews
March 16, 2016
This month, I have attended five funerals.
There are at
least another three on my must attend list before the end of a
very hot and humid March.
In order to make it to a
morning funeral, my alarm clock should scream or screach me
awake by 430am.
Anything later and the doomsday traffic
of the Beach Road and Spintex Road or the hell may care speeding
commuters on the Motorway will threaten my coronaries.
is that simple and that bad.
Of course at least 24 hours
earlier you must know whether it is black or black and white or
white or red or black and red or green. This is entirely up to
the dictat provided by the bereaved family with rhyme or reason
that is not always easily discerned.
A ready acquiescence
becomes the only route since we should avoid giving gratuitous
In this case, the Golden Rule does not apply-
remember, neither does it apply to masochists and potential
Which reminds me; what is it with the black
shirt under a black jacket- instead of a white or blue shirt.
I thought no gentleman was to admit that he knew anyone who
owned a black shirt.
Next of course is the little detail
of the pre-Burial Service. This consists of at least an hour of
hymn singing, the to and fro of mourners filing past the casket
and the repititious tributes.
Not at all infrequent is
the nerve grating repitition of certain details of the
deceased's life and descriptive phrases during the tributes.
Once, I counted "sumptuous meals" at least a dozen times.
There is only so much that genuinely grieving occasional
writers can say about a loved one.
Do we have to hear it
repeated half a dozen times in half an hour? Is it not already
written out in the large glossy funeral brochure?
was at least one occasion when the pre-Burial service was
dispensed with. The casket was not opened in church. Mourners
were simply ushered to their seats while the choir sang
Papa Osofo asked what was happening and why the place was so quiet and orderly? Really, no he didn't?
Yes, he did!
Then comes the Burial Service during
which we get to hear the Biography and at least one other
tribute. A real "sufferation" as these are now a reprise of the
presentations during the pre-Burial Sevice and of the Biography
Perhaps, the conventional wisdom is that a single
rousing Funeral Oration is not sufficient. Who mentioned a
Also perhaps it becomes rational to skip either
the pre -Burial or Burial service.
By the way, I thought
everybody knew to stand for the singing of hymns during a church
When do you stand?
Just as the organist
plays the last bar of the last line. No, you do not stand when
he starts playing right after Papa Osofo announces the hymn;
only the choir stands at that point.
Now to the novel
method of uplifting the collection.
Why is it that the
congregation cannot simply remain seated while the collection
bags are sent around row by row by the ushers?
It saves
time- of course this is only important if you have other
important things to do. We shall refrain from commenting on the
purported reason as to why the circulating bags have been
However, we are told that the procession of
congregants to the two receptacles (or 2x2 as there are often
two lines) in front of the altar ensures that all present get to
see everybody else.
Now how is that for African
After this segment of the service the next
highlight is the Dead March in Saul and the humming that
invariably accompanies it.
What a bummer!
people not just remain quiet and simply listen to the weighty
tune of that masterpiece which invokes transcendence? There are
fewer things more provocative than this display of uncouthness.
I am waiting for the fire next time- white or black or black
and white or black and red......or green!
Blebo We-Sakumo March 16 2016

Ghana Power, Water Tariffs Up
allAfrica, June 28, Ghanadot - GHANA'S Public Utilities
Regulatory Commission (PURC) has announced an increase in water
and electricity tariffs....These would increase by 6,1 percent
and 12 percent respectively....Director of Public Affairs at the
PURC, Nana Yaa Gyantuah, explained that an initial 31 percent
hike in electricity and 14 per cent hike in water had been
agreed at management level but said the proposal had been
forwarded to the Board of the Commission for approval.... More
New paradigms for the protection of
African people
SpyGhana, June 29, Ghanadot - If those who benefit from
crumbs of their masters feign to see the reality, there has been
an agenda of deliberately orchestrated confusion prolonged by
decades-long misinformation and coaching by foreign operatives
such that even the political rhetoric is awash of generic code
words such as colonialism or imperialism while no progress has
been attained in the liberation of African people from
Commentary, March 16, Ghanadot
- .Of course at least 24 hours
earlier you must know whether it is black or black and white or
white or red or black and red or green. This is entirely up to
the dictat provided by the bereaved family, with rhyme or reason
that is not always easily discerned.....More

Why Sulley slapped GFA official
Ghanaweb, June 28, Ghanadot - Sulley: WHAT IS THE
Basically Non-Essential and have no role or duties here.
Your Number even dwarf that of the players... You
receive Bonuses for no work done. You are a drain on the
Govt.... You always make money on our back and you see
every Tournament as a means to make money.... And You
Have The Vim to question us why we want our money?.... .....More