Video- Medical
Industry in Ghana --- Any correlation with IBM's Watson in
Kwaku Kwakyi
Watson Computer was designed by IBM to “play to win
Jeopardy” and it won! LaGray Chemical Company was
designed/planned by its CEO and COO to be established and it
was! Watson’s performance grew from taking 2 hours in 2007
to respond to a question to a response time close to humans
(by way of Watson hitting the push button more often than
humans). Also, Watson reversed getting most questions wrong
in 2007 to getting most questions right in 2011. Paul and
Alexandra obviously had similar challenges along the way. In
planning their Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
manufacturing (i.e. actual preparation of medicine taken),
these doctors performed ID & Analysis by taking trips back
home to compute expected expenses/costs, compare them to
potential revenues to decide if they would have any ROI to
justify company continuous existence. The answer clearly was
YES, the reason the plant was built.
What are the expectations of the above achievements for the
host countries; America's IBM Watson Computer to America,
and Ghana's LaGray Chemical Company?
Due to growing challenges for Watson Computer future use,
IBM is working with other enterprises to manage call
centers, improve healthcare quality & diagnostics and
transportation for end-users (ex: US governments – federal,
state or local; private companies, etc.) Those who think the
US is ready to relinquish its high economic position should
realize that such high perch is driven by real-life
application of Watson Computers, Facebook, Google, etc.
globally. The irony of the two achievements is one (i.e.
Watson Computer) receiving an immediate collaborative work
with home-grown companies while the other (LaGray Chemical
Company) struggles on its own with energy supply
inefficiencies, despite having back-up generators.
Do we readers and analyzers see a business need to invest in
windmill installation to supply reliable renewable energy to
the LaGrays and the like in return for equity shares? As our
windmill installation process expands across coastal Ghana
and other West African countries, we could team up with
government, foreign manufacturers to build the first
profitable seawater desalination plant in Sub-Saharan Africa
to employ and serve the people, abi?
Bloomberg, Feb 20, Ghanadot - Ghana’s current account
deficit widened 62.5 percent last year as imports soared,
Bank of Ghana Governor Kwesi Amissah-Arthur said...The
shortfall expanded to $2.6 billion, with imports rising 33
percent to $10.7 billion, Amissah-Arthur told reporters in
the capital, Accra, today. ...More
Personality, Feb 20, Ghanadot
- Celebrated in the United States, Jamaica and Canada,
Black History Month—as part of which the National
Gallery of Art hosted this recital—is intended to help
deepen appreciation for the past and present
contributions of black individuals and groups to history
Telegraph, Feb 19, Ghanadot - The terminology of
action in the Middle East is fascinating. Days of Rage
in Iran, but in Libya, according to some reports, they
favour Days of Anger. It sounds like a weather forecast,
with violent storms over Bahrain and Libya, a fog of
uncertainty over Syria, and bright euphoric sunshine
over Egypt