J. B.
Danquah The Inventor & Founder for Dummies (v2)!
Prof Lungu
September 22, 2017
"...No, J. B. Danquah and the UGCC did not
invent or found any of those ideas, facilities,
institutions, or systems...No, President Akufo
Addo, not Kwame Nkrumah memorial of anything
from your Kyebi NPP, sir. Give that one to your
dear friend Mr. Paul Dundes Wolfowitz and have
him take it to the Confederate Danquah graveyard
with his bloodied plaque that displays 155,000
dead from the US-Iraq War...A confederation and
pseudo-federal government run out of Kyebi...pretty
well suited J. B. Danquah....Hence the sundry
destructive energies and acts recorded in
Danquah's solitary corner in the public annals,
from Apedwa-Amantoo Miensa...to Accra...No,
sir!...J. B. Danquah and the UGCC lobbying group
could never have founded the modern Ghana
Nation-State out of the ashes of the Gold
Coast..Kwame Nkrumah did!....", (Prof Lungu, 21
September, 2017).
We noted
that the NDC party and their leaders merely
re-discover Kwame Nkrumah after they have been
kicked out of power. (Mr. Mahama demonstrated
that fact, again, today).
And from where
we sit, it smacks of political malpractice and
gross absent-mindedness for any so-called
Nkrumahist to tell the world that they are
surprised about the latest Akufu Addo and Kyebi
NPP theatrics with their so-called Kwame Nkrumah
memorial day.
Where have you been the
last 15 years?
Is it not the same Akufo
Addo and his Kyebi-branch of the NPP, while out
of power, who demanded apologies from Kwame
Nkrumahists for detaining J. B. Danquah under
lawful authority of the CPP government in the
The erroneous argument frequently
advanced by the Kyebi branch of the NPP is that
because (1) Kwame Nkrumah's government detained
J. B. Danquah under suspicion of treason, (2)
that many other individuals were also detained
during the same turbulent period after
independence as the western powers attempted to
control the destiny and interests of Ghana, and
(3) J. B. Danquah died in the Nsawam prison,
that Kwame Nkrumah is one of the worst, most
murderous dictator that ever lived on this
In case the reader does not
know, J. B Danquah was born 18 December, 1895.
He died 4 February, 1965, at the age of 70. The
diagnosis by government physicians indicated
death from heart attack.
So maybe, this
21 September, 2017, the Kyebi-branch of the NPP
want to inform us the percentage of Ghanaians
who get to that "ripe" age of 70 even today, in
2017, with all the modern advances in medicine,
care, transportation, housing, etc., and better
educated citizenry to boot.
But, here is
the crucial point: After all their talk, show,
and prostrations to foreign powers and entities,
among them Paul Dundes Wolfowitz, (the former
Bush Deputy Secretary of Defense who had a brief
stint as President of the World Bank), non of
the Kyebi men (yes, they are all men) from the
NPP can point to a single person Kwame Nkrumah
caused to be executed or sent to contrived war
he created.
No, President Akufo Addo,
not Kwame Nkrumah memorial of anything from your
Kyebi-branch of the NPP, sir. Give that one to
your dear friend Mr. Paul Wolfowitz and have him
take it to the Confederate Danquah graveyard,
together with his bloodied plaque that displays
155,000 US-Iraqi War dead.
The 21st
century records are clear!
Wolfowitz insisted that Saddam was tied to the
first World Trade Center attack", even before
the first evidence had been recorded.
There was not, and has never been, a single
evidence on that score!
Paul D.
Wolfowitz, was the chief architect of the
US-Iraq war that in the 8 years between 2003 and
2011 caused the death of nearly 5,000 US
servicemen, in addition to 318 nationals from
other countries including the UK. Add to that
32,222 wounded US servicemen. Then, add the more
than 150,000 dead Iraqi civilians.
Another insight came from Thomas Hargrove.
Hargove notes that "nearly a fifth of the
fatalities among U.S. troops" were African
American, being "the highest cost African
Americans have paid in any of America's wars if
the trend continues....(and)... There are also
indications that Hispanics may be
over-represented among the war dead."
That is the record of the Kyebi-NPP-branch-befriended,
Mr. Paul D. Wolfowitz.
And so, while at
the World Bank, with his signature Iraq war dead
in the tens of thousands now in his rear view
mirror, it was that same Kyebi branch of the NPP
that invited the same Paul D. Wolfowitz to Ghana
in 2006 to lay a memorial wreath on J. B.
Danquah's grave.
What an abomination for
Africa, for Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana, however the
Kyebi branch of the NPP may want to take it!
And while they chilled with the murderous
Wolfowitz, they at one time had the gall and
audacity to demand an apology from Ghanaians for
actions Kwame Nkrumah's government took to
protect the independence, sovereignty, and
territorial integrity of Ghana, more than 50
years removed from those events.
was not, and they have never pointed to a single
evidence showing that Kwame Nkrumah caused a
single war, that Kwame Nkrumah caused a single
Ghanaian to be executed while he was the leader
of Ghana.
But there they were (see
Wolfowitz in the above photo), doing the
They, Akufo
Addo's and his Kyebi branch of the NPP!
But, surely, Paul D. Wolfowitz did not come to
Ghana to promote democracy, fight corruption, or
build anything of substance for Ghanaians!
No, on the contrary: Paul Wolfowitz, the
dear friend of the Kyebi NPP who helped to
quickly destroy Iraqi civilization thousands of
years older than the American in our own
lifetimes, was actually in Ghana for photo-ops,
and to help the Kufour government take even more
from the people.
Or, did we forget how
many newly-constructed housing units financed
with loans from the World Bank Mr. Kuffour and
the Kyebi NPP branch they took before they were
kicked out of power by the People of Ghana the
last time?
And so, with all that said in
respect of contemporary events and the
ahistorical policies of Mr. Akufo Addo, now the
president of Ghana, we must continue from where
we let off.....
As we said before, in all
those ancient and modern civilizations built
through servitude and wars that we spoke about
earlier, the royal-born, the privileged, and the
cunning professional (clergy, lawyers, and
accountants, mostly), benefited greatly. As
such, they generally had fewer reasons to
challenge the political system, to speak truth
to the power, to lead credible political
struggles, even for "self-government" under the
auspices of a colonial "protectorate".
Not with speed, and not by any means necessary!
Thus, it was generally outsiders who always
"rocked the boat" for improvements in human
conditions and freedoms.
Modern economic
theory, now wayward and without balance or
conscience in Europe and America, mostly, prove
what we now state about the royal-born, the
privileged, and the cunning professional. Such
was the case of royal-privileged-born J. B.
Danquah who, in the 1950s-1960s, was still
deeply entrenched in the colonial urban and
economic life of the Gold Coast as a lawyer. J.
B. Danquah therefore had no compelling,
altruistic, (or should we say "patriotic" in
Professor Gyampo-speak) motive to seek a radical
change from "colonial servitude", to "Sovereign
Statedom", merely for the benefit of the average
Ghanaian, even if they came from Kyebi.
And the colonial officials knew that
and respected him less, accordingly.
confederation and pseudo-federal government run
out of Kyebi, the old records show, pretty well
suited J. B. Danquah, mightily!
the sundry destructive energies and acts
recorded in Danquah's solitary corner in the
public annals, from Apedwa-Amantoo Miensa, to
Kyebi, to Accra, to the United States Library of
Congress, to Embassies of foreign countries, to
University libraries, and all places in-between.
(See all our paper on J. B. Danquah).
use a tired old phrase, needless to say, when
J.B. Danquah was plying his profession in
colonial Ghana under the auspices of the
masters, those Grand Canals, Harbors, Urban
Squares, Dams, Cities, Highways, Road, Bridges,
Libraries, the Pyramids, and yes, Universities,
even, all had been conceptualized and built in
those Great Civilizations. And it was the same
in all the minor civilizations such as existed
in England where "royal" J. B. Danquah was
supported 100% by taxes levied on the head of
every Akyem Abuakwa native and on their goat, in
the 1920s.
The records were, and still
are available on/in cloths, parchment papers,
manuscripts, books, microfiche, vinyl, tapes,
DVDs, and now increasingly, digital
internet-ready media on desktops, laptops,
servers, and Clouds (as in Cloud Computing
systems) of every type.
J. B. Danquah
and the UGCC did not invent or found any of
those ideas, facilities, institutions, or
Not Legon!
Not Akosombo
Not Tema Harbor!
Not Bank of
Surely not Ghana!
on the other side, in Pan-African-style, such
was the case of Kwame Nkrumah who was born
without all the pretentions of an urbane Ofori
Attah-J. B. Danquah.
Nkrumah was so
deeply entrenched in the vision of many a Great
African (Marcus Garvey, W. E, DuBois, etc.),
that even before he could fully complete his
self-sponsored education in the United States
and England in the 1940s, he was invited to the
Gold Coast, to suspend his own education, to
assist with the quest for self-government for
the Gold Coast, by members of the then 3-month
old UGCC.
As the records show, J. B.
Danquah, the barrister, the attorney, the "Doyen
of Gold Coast Politics", was in fact the only
principal member of the UGCC who did not
contribute a single penny to fund Nkrumah's
travel back to Ghana in 1947 to assist the UGCC
in a project they had little clue executing.
So, we'd expect that as an "outsider" with a
background in US history, politics, actual work
experience, even preaching, and with great
knowledge of African heroes and of those from
other regions and civilizations of the world,
that Kwame Nkrumah would quickly see the
sovereignty project as a struggle and quest for
the speediest results and significant power to
the center to counter every dis-orienting,
confederate-colored centrifugal force that would
come up against the Unitary and Independent
Ghana he could envisioned for the benefit of all
the People.
Political-economy teaches us
that the tag of "newly independent" does not
necessarily mean that your old colonial master
suddenly loses all interests in their own
"permanent interests" and development of their
own country at your expense.
Or, that they
will suddenly begin respecting you, or love you
to death, unless you demand respect in words,
action, and deeds.
Kwame Nkrumah gave
them all that, and more!
Now, he thundered to the masses!
More than anyone, Kwame Nkrumah stood for a
vibrant Ghana, a new and modern African Nation
strong enough to swiftly ease and remove the
colonial masters' access to the produce and
markets of the old colony. The old masters saw
in Kwame Nkrumah that same vision of a strong
centralized government for the new country, and
they respected Kwame Nkrumah for that.
That is part of the record as written in
history, if we care to query history. If we
cared to ask Mr. Victor Owusu, the NLM-UP
organizer and orientation minister. If we cared
to ask the BBC "witness" program!
Respect, after all, always goes to a principled
enemy, than to an unprincipled friend who will
never do what you would do, if they owned or
controlled the football, the country; if we
begged them to wear our shoes for a minute.
Confederate J. B. Danquah never stood for
anything bigger than himself and Kyebi, and the
British had little respect for that!
Every American college student who paid a little
attention in "American History 101" will tell
you that a confederation has no chance
supporting an agrarian economy, let alone an
industrial and post-industrial, knowledge-based
economy. As well, that same American student
will tell you that the second best option that
was adopted for the new state in North America,
the federal system, continues to wreak havoc on
the life chances of a large segment of the
American population even as multitudes on other
sides profit and still continue benefiting from
servitude and slavery, racial politics, and
wealth and gender inequities.
foolish idea that there is no important role for
a national government has now been rendered
asunder, in multiple ways and on every type of
Dear African reader, the
history of Nigeria ought be instructive, today.
Having opted for a federal form of
government in 1960, Nigerian politicians would
be at the forefront of the group that strongly
resisted the United Africa vision proposed by
Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana. Later, in 1967-1970,
Nigeria, now with a"federal" system of
government, would be plunged into a civil war
that resulted in the death of nearly 2 million
Nigerians, many from war-related diseases and
Yours truly was in primary
school and remember the posters of diseased,
malnourished, dead children and men, and burnt
forests and fields.
No single Nigerian
leader ever personified a united Nigerian state
like Kwame Nkrumah did for Unitary Ghana.
And we all know the record, if we are even
half objective.
Sadly, and not
surprisingly, the Nigerian civil war was as well
abetted by the subversive and deluded Ghanaian
military junta that overthrew Kwame Nkrumah and
called themselves the National Liberation
Council (NLC), a name in virtual sync with the
confederate National Liberation Movement (NLM)
of J. B. Danquah-Victor Owusu -Kofi Abrefa Busia,
etc. On many fronts, in Aburi Gardens, the NLC
soldiers supported the idea of a confederation
of states for Nigeria. So, in Murphy's Law
Fashion, they realized that great war and
disaster for federal Nigerian.
J. B.
Danquah and even a thousand members of the UGCC
(there are no records indicating that there were
even members of the UGCC in those numbers),
could not have founded Ghana with that
self-government, interest group lobby.
took real political agitation, a plan, and
willingness not to wait to be given ones own
It was Kwame Nkrumah, who,
working with the most diverse groups of
Ghanaians numbering in the millions (workers and
business owners; women and men; students and
professional; from city to town; south to north;
west to east, etc.), who demanded immediate
independence for the Gold Coast and founded the
Ghana Nation-State out of that Unitary Vision.
Kwame Nkrumah, the Pan-Africanist, the
African "Development" Visionary, the Founder of
the modern Ghana Nation-State, would never have
invited bloodied-hand Paul D. Wolfowitz to Ghana
to memorialize even the death of a
To be
(1) Cameron Duodu. Is there one “history” or are
there several “histories”? (https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/
(2) Lily Hamourtziadou. Iraq: wars and
casualties, 13 years on, (https://www.iraqbodycount.org/analysis/beyond/13-years-on/).
(3) Thomas Hargrove. Conflict with Iraq:
Study shows 20 percent of war deaths are Blacks
(4) Wikipedia. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States
(5) Mumford, Lewis. The City in History,
(6) Building The World - The Grand
Canal, (http://blogs.umb.edu/buildingtheworld/waterworks/the-grand-canal-china/).
MORE INFORMATION: We invite every Ghanaian
student to that website. Get your free copies of
Ghana Development and Governance papers we've
posted on that website. Mo' coming soon.
SUBJ: J. B. Danquah The Inventor & Founder for
Dummies-(v2). Support Fair-Trade Oil Share
Ghana (FTOS-Gh) Campaign/Petition: https://www.change.org/p/ghana-fair-trade-oil-share-psa-campaign-ftos-gh-psa/
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