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expressed in articles we publish......MORE
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Observation on the verdict
The Myth Buster
We waited for eight months.
We witnessed personal outbursts of indignation from the bench
towards lay persons for perceived infractions against judicial
We endured 100 year old colonial laws sighted for retribution.
On judgement day over 30,000 police were mobilized to ensure
The decision was read out in less than 5 minutes....another
teachable moment /opportunity was squandered.
No explanation was given.......and we are still waiting for an
explanation with respect to the verdict.
So there will be no attempt at meaningful reform.
All our institutions are moribund......and the beat goes on.
We will implode, then we can start afresh and do things
PROPERLY; not before.
All the sensible suggestions will fall on deaf ears. The
uninitiated will take the verdict at face value but Social
Theory (available for over 200 years.....read M. Condercet-
French Mathematician and Philosopher who committed suicide on
the eve of his due date to go to the guillotine; read Duncan
Black etc) says that this is wrong.
Next time, the result of the election will be decided polling
station by polling station- mano a mano.
After the dark night of the soul........
Then the bright morning star will appear; it is all part of the
perfect plan of the Almighty Architect.
The Myth Buster, September 1, 2013
More commentaries |
Ghana officially lists ten-year
Eurobond on local bourse
GBN, Aug 29, Ghanadot -
Ghana’s 10-year Eurobond was on Wednesday listed on the
Ghana Stock Exchange to afford both local, foreign and
prospective investors the opportunity to buy and trade
on the secondary market. This is the very first time an
African country is co- listing a Eurobond on the local
exchange .....More, |
Playing leap-frog with the unicorn,
after the Supreme Court’s verdict
Commentary, Aug 31, Ghanadot - A truth commission must
target the EC for faulty administration of the 2012 election. It
must also go after the affected presiding officials about the
genuineness of the absence of their signatures on the Pink
Sheets. ....Was the omission of signatures on the Pink Sheets an
honest neglect or a forced commission brought on by influential
More |
On reading the classics - a
concern of a parent expressed to a teacher
Education, Sept 01, Ghanadot - am
responsible for encouraging Alissa to read children’s
classics (which tend to have higher Lexile levels); my
reason for doing this is not for points. My goal is to
create in Alissa an awareness of the world outside her
immediate realm, to build up her critical thinking
skills, and to broaden her vocabulary......More
Observation on the
Supreme Court verdict
Commentary, Sept 01, Ghanadot - We waited for
eight months.....We witnessed personal outbursts of
indignation from the bench towards lay persons for
perceived infractions against judicial personalities...
...More |