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March 11, 2016 |
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your response to: publisher@ghandot.com |
UK and Africa's
Homosexuals November 5,
You heard it. Of all the
problems that beset Africa, the most important issue
for Britain seems to be that affecting gays in
The arrogance is palpable.
Africa must accept gays because Britons deem the act
as proper and not to do so is against human rights.
Based on the distinct culture of the British
that allows homosexualism, a weird practice that has
no propagation value whatsoever for nature, the
African culture that rejects this practice, is
Well, agreed. Until Africa
becomes hypocritical enough to accept homosexualism
as a cherished act, like the British do, they, the
Brits, can allow all African homosexuals free pass
for stay in UK as refuges. Not only will this
generous, supposedly considerate human act by the
British, bring abruptly to an end the inhuman
response to homosexualism in Africa, but it will
also free rich British homosexuals from
embarking on cheap homosexual tourism trips to poor
countries in Africa!
Tekpenor |
On the
perennial Accra floods
October 31, 2011
I happened to work with Sarasoto County, FL for a
while and was furtunate to pick up a few ideas here
and there. However I'm currently in Ghana.
If anyone has lived in Fl
for sometime you will notice they are quite serious
with stormwater management (as with many other
states in the US). Anyway, the modelling I mentioned
is much more industry practice than research and
there are several softwares on the market that one
can use to model the effects of stormwater at
various levels of drainage infrastructure.
Being in the US I'm sure you're familiar with the
work of the EPA's and the several agencies such as
South West Florida Water Management Department that
are concerned with managing stormwater (rain
run-off). They all depend on the use of established
stormwater models for sections of their jurisdiction
(or whole counties if possible, but normally on a
watershed or catchment basin basis) that have been
developed and updated regularly. They use them to
approve residential development/real estate
construction, road construction, sidewalks,
drainage, etc. All these activities contribute
important effects of rainfall or stormwater runoff.
Most people living outside probably know this
The floods are unfortunate. But we didn't flood
simply because we had a heavy rainfall, even though
it is a contributing factor. We've been flooding
almost every year for the past 20-30 years, be it
heavy or light rainfall.
We flooded because we
simply don't have the tools and don't know how to
manage stormwater. Even our construction practices,
and our attitude to solid waste management is a
major contributing factor to flooding, and also on
the preservation of our water resources. If we don't
begin to seriously regulate construction activities,
we would inevitable face water shortages in some
years to come. We've spent millions of dollars
dredging Korle lagoon. Yet we dump silt and trash in
our drains by the tons on a daily basis through poor
construction practices and dumping of rubbish and,
sorry guys, toilet, in our drains. They all end up
in "Korle" and we'll go burrow another $3bn from
China to dredge it again.
As I explained to Jacob, we must model stormwater,
develop mitigation scenarios, and develop the one we
choose based on cost and other factors. Just
building drains (increasing conveyance) does not
solve the problem because you have simply
transferred the water from point A to B. It wont
cause havoc at point A (i.e upstream) but can surely
wreck havoc at B (downstream)!. In stormwater
management jargon we call it "moving the puddle"!
That is why a simple drainage design of one culvert,
or a stretch of U-drains alone a road does not solve
area wide flooding issues, because it's unable to
capture the interrelated effects of the several
drains, culverts, ponds, etc, within the catchment
area. A model does that. There are several other
factors that goes into a typical model, not to
mention data collection for input into the software,
but we can further discuss that in detail
Franklin Twumasi
October 27, 2011
From Stephen
Nyarko - Biometric Project
Whilst we are sommersaulting with ours, national
identification, biometrics is to just identify
people in a poor developing country environment for
meaningful socio economic development. India
has done a lot of good work that we could easily
learn from. When it came to ours all the information
and the experiences of others in the same situation
like us is out there for us to study and learn from
, BUT because some BIG MAN wants to chop, the whole
thing has become non transparent and going to cost
an arm and a leg without even meeting the required
Check how its done without fuss above.
February 26, 2011
Should Christian President Atta Mills
not give Muammar Quathafi asylum in Ghana to save
lives of Libyans as the the people declare there is
no going back - Consider some of these extracts from
Aljazeera running non-stop commentary on Libya in
this historic conflict between the good people of
Libya and one of the most dangerous persons that
occupied political power anywhere in the world! But
I ask President Atta Mills and Founder of NDC,
Rawlings this one question - Why have we allowed
Ghanaian mercenaries to kill Libyans in their own
The Long time ruler makes defiant
address he will not be standing down, and his son
acting as prime minster says they will die in Libya
with everybody else. For the past 40 years he had
imposed on his people a stupid heretic Aljamariya
ideology based on his Green Book, and recognised by
academically challenged bonkers like J. J.
Rawlings, as a panacea for all the ills of Africa
and Ghana. He has appointed Communes and devolved
local assemblies and placed them in the hands of
sycophants. The people of Libya will surely see off
this hated tyrant by the Mercy of Allah, and the
remnants of mercenaries from Ghana, Chad, Somalia,
North Sudan and Zimbabwe will not even return home
with their booty, Inshallah!
Sanctions have now been imposed
against Libya by Obama against Gaddafi and his 4
children – Saif the plagiariser is the leading
protagonist in this war against his own fellow
Libyans but like the pompous children of Saddam
Hussein he will vanish soon.
Gaddafi's regime is on its last leg –
it is falling like pack of cards – these dynastic
republics of Arabian Peninsular. The Libyan state
built around Quathafi will never survive this real
revolution. The people will never go back for what
they have spit out. And they have spit out poison!
The Libyan people in Benghazi has proved the value
of unity of the people against a common enemy. They
are joined by Berber/Maghrib Libyans from Al Zawiya,
Al Jafra, Al Butnan, Darnah, Jabah Al Akdar, Murzug.
The foreigners used by Quathafi
against his people have ran away from the towns to
Tripoli. Gaddafi himself is holed up in Bad al Aziza
and shouting like a schizophrenic "osur, osur -
dance dance' as he runs away to his tent!
Libyans are well cultured educated
civilised people who have quietly bidded their time
and now ready to lay down their lives. 2500 are
maytyred by the dictator, but a United Libya will
emerge from this uprising when the leviathan
murderer is gone. This is the time you feel ashamed
for being a Ghanaian, knowing the depth to which our
military zombie politicians hob nob with a vain
despot like this illiterate soldier.
Listen. In 1986, I attended a PNDC
Congress hosted in Ghana by Gaddafi and his
ideologues. 'Hosted' means Ghaddafi paid for all the
bonuses, food, lavish hotels, paraphenalia and
travel of these so-called intellectuals from USA,
East Germany, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Yemen and Ghana. The
delegates from Ghana were June 4th leaders and
cadres such as Akrasi Sarpong, Nana Addo Aikins,
Twertwie Poku, Obre, Abeeku Aggrey, Amissah, Dobo
Dadson, Leo Yankson, K. B. Anning, Fui Tsikata etc.
I looked on as they recycled the same old tedious
ramshackle ideology of antiquated Islamic socialism
called al jamirriya, amidst sing songs such as "Revo,
revo o revolution has a long way to go but has come
to stay. cadres will go, cadres will come but our
revolution will do something and the rest is
forgotten". Jesus Christ. Intellectuals who sold
themselves to greedy tin pot dictators. I was lucky
to be there invited by a Regional June 4th leader,
and trust me to go being a keen historian to see
things for myself. that is why today am bold to cry
out loud against Gaddafi's genocide supported by
evil JJR. The investments of Gaddafi in Ghana is
enormous as could be seen on GLAHCO website. Gaddafi
and his children will not have a shortage of where
to lay their coneheads. So all must urge Atta mills
to ofer him passage from Libya! Gad says he will die
in Tripoli but I do not believe him. He cannot die
with his four children and leave £150 Billion Booty
in the hands of greedy friends such as JJ Rawlings
and his sikadicious wife. Should Atta Mills keep
silent when his fellow human beings are killed for
saying they do not want their leader? Gunmen opened
fire on protestors after Friday prayers but the
people still keep coming like angels. These Arab
matyrs are fearless and if you push them to the wall
as quathafi has done they will say “ All Die be Die”
They hold banners aloft saying “Our objective is
civil society. No more Autocracy, No more cronyism,
No despotism nepotism." they want what Ghanaian
Youth take for granted. The battle for Tripoli is
most intense as it remains the only province under
his control! Tripoli on Friday night was full of
gunfire as they experienced another sleepless night,
with Ghanaian and Chadian mercenaries running amok
going to hospitals to kill wounded opponents. Is
Atta Mills a true Christian or a charlatan as Jesus
saYS - pontificating on the word of God in Public
but so evil inside like a Pharisee? Gaddafi is
fighting a losing battle and Christian Mills who
used his Oil tanker to cart away Ghana's First Oil
Consignment must say something in public now or be
forever damned as an evil, inhumane and empty
moralist. does Atta Mills preach virtue and practice
vice? ebei Atta mills! What a major disappointment
for decent minded Ghanaians. This President is a
cousin of Former UN Sec General Kofi Annan and
Democrat par Excellence Kwesi Brew, but has no moral
conscience. He comes from the same area as George
Ekem Ferguson, Emmanuuel Kwegyir Aggrey, Kuntu
Blankson and a Fante like John Mensah Sarbah, Alex
Quayson Sackey and Casely Hayford. He is a lawyer
like Hayfron Benjamin, Abban, Ollenu and Arku Korsah.
And he was a Legon lecturer like Busia, Adu Boahen
and PAV Ansah. How can he sacrifice all his
principles and heritage for political trappings that
never remain forever? Does he gain the world and
lose his soul? has he being elected as Ghana's
leader or he is solely for the interest of his
Party? Inshallah. Libyans will prevail like
ivoriians and we shall lead them in fierce battle
against his corrupt government! I have no means to
fight for Libya against our common enemy but will
write and write and campaign aganst all the
supporters of Gaddafi like Atta Mills, Rawlings,
Kojo Tsikata, Tsatsu Tsikata and all these shameful
NDC politicians, who sit by as their fellow human
beings are massacred in the hot sands of Arabia by
their megalomaniac beastly dogs of war! The Generals
have called the army to desert the leader and enrol
in the people's army to protect the lives of
Libyans. The Army Commanders are on the side of the
people. They have taking one town after the other.
Gaddafis men in UN, and Geneva, Protocol officers,
and Relatives have jumped ship unwilling to kill
more Libyans.
The Libyan UN Ambassador says Gaddafi
is willing to kill everybody to remain in the same
power he had held for 41 years. Something needs to
be done in Libya now before more people die!!. BUT
Presidents don't have wants.. they have
Posted By: Kobena Agyeman ,
2/18/2011 11:12:46 PM
Location: London
And here we go again.. what
the President wants to do, what the VP wants
to do, what the Ministers want to do.....
You are the leadership of Ghana. With the
power, control and access to all of Ghana.
If all you have is 'want', then we are in
trouble. Average citizens like myself have
wants. What we expect from you and your
Ministry, Mr. President, is a plan to make
us No.1.
So rather than say that you want us to be
No.1, let us know the PLAN which you have in
place to make us No.1.
Ghana has been 'wanting' for too long. No
more talk of wants. We want talk of action.
Real action, not the demo type, but business
style action.
And that, my friends, is something you must
demand from all your politicians. Real
action, not dreams, not aims, but their
PLANS and how they will be IMPLEMENTED.
Related article:
The President State of the Nation Address |
Tetteh Kwao on
"Matters Arising" is indeed
interesting but it is too plain where your bias is. You know
that those opposed to the Chinery-Hesse recommendations are
NOT the beneficiaries, both NPP and NDC parliamentarians.
The most incensed about the report are people like me who
see nothing meritorious about those recommendations.
Are those rogue politicians the only people who deserve
"emolument and retirement packages that should induce
fealty, better performance of duty, acceptance and
preservation of dignity within those individuals while in
and out of office?" And how long have been their services?
Four or eight years!
Compare these with the 30 -32 years service of the senior
Civil Servant who today gets GH¢450.00 (four hundred and
fifty Ghana Cedis) as his pension because his salary while
in office was awfully low! What can one do with GH¢450.00
per month in Ghana today?
The politician who served as President did not need a
"Country Home" whilst in office when he was having 300
foreign guests a year. But on retirement, such a facility
should be provided for him and his visitors to live in
dignity. More so, a house should be built for him in Accra,
in addition to any mansions he might have acquired while in
office (which is usually the case; hence, their
unwillingness to declare their assets upon leaving office.)
And, as if to make matters worse, those houses are to remain
as family properties after his death. When Mary talks of
"best practices", where on earth are such fantastic benefits
given to "retired Presidents" and where are parliamentarians
given as much as US$80,000.00 (US eighty thousand dollars)
as "gratuity" (End-of-Service Benefit) after serving in
Parliament or Congress for 4 (four) years? May be only in
Ghana or some other 3rd or 5th World Country.
I haven't seen or read
the "famous"
report and God knows I have been trying hard to secure a
copy to study it myself without any luck. I am not sure
whether you have set eyes on a copy before writing this
piece which seems to accept the MC-H Committee's assumptions
and conclusions as worthy. As I said, I have not seen or
read the report. However, considering its recommendations
which have been made public so far, I regard the underlying
assumptions as being faulty and the conclusions as absurd.
Indeed, both the NPP and NDC politicians should be ashamed
of themselves to go for what they now call "Best Practices"
when they are grabbing the nation's resources to and for
themselves and their families. Nonetheless, they turn round
to treat hard-working and conscientious public servants very
shabbily on grounds that the nation is too poor to pay them
equitable salaries and offer them better conditions of
service. In other words, the public servants do not deserve
"emoluments and retirement packages that should induce
fealty, better performance of duty, acceptance and
preservation of dignity within those individuals while in
and out of office!"
Please on subjects like these, try to be a bit impartial and
advance balanced arguments to facilitate better
understanding of the issues.
By Tetteh Kwao
Interesting article on Chinese buses ....
I would suggest to you, that Chinese buses generally meet
reasonable standards, that gives them credible safety and
In the case of your buses, it appears that the operator has
no maintenance programme.
They appear to have not been checked and serviced on regular
basis, leading to the rash of breakdowns.
Dont blame the bus, but definitely look at the operators
processes, and get these processes changed as soon as
Get the service and maintenance manuals re written into
english, although this is not the total answer, as good
mechanics should have instituted a regular service programme
The engine and transmission manufacturers would allready
have their own english version manuals available to the
purchaser ... contact them and get copies immediately.
Hire someone to correctly manage the fleet maintenance, and
let that person hire an engineer/s from China to supervise
Surely this situation should never have eventuated, and
blame can be shared over a number of people who arranged the
purchase of these buses, but never even thought about how
they were to be maintained.
Did Ghana ever send a bus engineer to China to pre check the
buses.... probably not.
Fault now seems to be with management in Ghana, and this is
the area that needs to accept the quickest change, followed
by my above suggestions.
If this is not enough for you, then hire an agent in China,
to arrange the correct service and maintenance programme for
you, and include sending at least 2 or 3 of your own
mechanics to the manufacturers factory, for a week to learn
as much as possible.
Dont blame the buses, ... blame the operator.
I am making these suggestions to you, based on my own seven
years of manufacturing and trading history in China, and my
knowledge of some other automotive companies, and their high
quality standards.
I hope it helps ... all is not lost ... just get organised,
and get on with it.
Regards Robert
IMC Group Ltd
International Machinery Co Ltd ( Auckland ) New Zealand
Autoline International Ltd
TEL 0064 9 2948727 ... Mb 0064 27 6609409
epic@maxnet.co.nz ... info@jinma.co.nz ... info@yto.co.nz
... .
Autoline International Ltd ( Ningbo free trading zone )
To Publisher: As Ghana enters
the new phase of her political development
I am appealing to you all
your contributing editors,, writers, all over the world
and all Ghanaians to come together as one people united
by our common destiny to reconstruct and develop one
nation for one people, indivisible, whose destiny is to
lead Africa to a union that will bring about wealth and
prosperity for all Africans.
It saddens me to always see
Ghanaians residing in other peoples countries, enjoying
the sweat and the hard work of citizens of those
Countries that are today experiencing advanced
life-style due to their hard work while we as Africans
love to stay there and wash our dirty linen in foreign
public. With the Maturity of the Ghanaian Electorate, a
powerful message have been send to all politicians that
if we give you mandate to rule us and you fail to
respect us and honor your promises, made to us during
your campaign, we will send you packing-- to go on your
way--one direction to political oblivion--We are not to
be taken for granted with political platitudes and
campaign bribery of few Ghana Cedis' with the intention
of buying our votes.
No Ghanaian Politician is
exempt. No Party can control the electorate, We want
development whether you are Rawlings, Kuffour, Akuffo
Addo or Atta Mills, if you fails to fulfill the
developmental needs of our people, we will vote you out.
So let all the Journalists be aware of the new Ghanaian
mentality It is not based on Party affiliation or ethnic
loyalties, We only wants those who will deliver. if ATTA
Be it known to all and
sundry that this is the new ideology in Ghana, We do not
want dictators nor Property grabbing Democrats, we want
Selfless, Dedicated, Devoted New Ghanaian Politician,
who puts the Nation first, before Family, Who is
committed to all Ghanaians and is willing to sacrifice
all personal ambition and self-aggrandizement for the
benefit of all Ghanaians. This is the message we want to
hear from the Journalists, We want them to be the voice
of the people, not to impose their opinions through the
media on Ghanaians.
We are looking for
Dedicated Young Statesmen committed to Mother Ghana and
we will finance them, groom them to lead Ghana and
Africa to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. We
do not want Politicians who think the Road to Prosperity
is through the ballot box. We do not also want those who
for the love of money, wants political power to protect
their drug money, be they members of NDC or NPP or any
other Party for that matter. Ghana is Sacred and those
who wants to serve mother Ghana from now on must examine
their head well before taking the decision to enter into
Ghana's Political Arena. We the Traditional Rulers will
not be sitting on the fences to watch the destruction of
our people.
With the help of the Most
High God KING of Kings and LORD of Lords we will help
Africa to overcome its spiritual, socio-economic and
moral decadence that have thwarted our development for
Centuries--The Richest Piece of Real Estate in the World
with the Poorest Owners. Impossible.
So ghanadot.com go forth and
preach the word. and this is the preaching I am
expecting from my good old friend Kofi Akosa Sarpong.
Kofi use the mighty pen constructively for mother
Nana Baffour Gyanko Fofie
Why I am a Christian
The churches attack secular
liberalism as a threat to their power, but actually it's the
ally of true Christian culture
Theo Hobson, Guardian, UK, March
24, 2008
So my attraction to Christianity
is two-fold. It comes from the sense that without faith
there is despair, that the highest form of psychology is
faith-based. And it is rooted in the quasi-socialist ideal
of the Kingdom of God. Christianity is the true idiom of
social hope - and also of psychological realism. It teaches
us to hope for a new world, a healed world, and it teaches
us to suspect ourselves. We are subject to endless demonic
temptation, but we know that Satan is defeated by Christ.
This is what we celebrate at Easter, of course: Christ's
cosmic victory over evil and death. Some will dismiss this
as mere myth, with no basis in reality. I call it the true
myth, in which one can choose to root one's life.......
Theo Hobson was born in West
London. He studied English literature at York, then theology
at Cambridge. He did his PhD thesis on Protestant theology
and rhetoric; which became his first book - The Rhetorical
Word: Protestant Theology and the Rhetoric of Authority (Ashgate
Send your response
to: publisher@ghandot.com
Reader writes::

On the perennial Accra floods
Debate, Oct 31, Ghanadot - The floods are
unfortunate. But we didn't flood simply because we had a
heavy rainfall, even though it is a contributing factor.
We've been flooding almost every year for the past 20-30
years, be it heavy or light rainfall. ....More
Ghana's addiction to foreign
aid necessitated UK gay threat - Nduom
MyJoyFM, Nov 5, Ghanadot - The
2008 Presidential candidate of the Convention People's
Party (CPP) Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom has blamed Ghana’s over
dependence on foreign aid as a contributing factor to
the aid cut threat from the British Prime Minister David
....More |
UK and Africa's homosexuals
Debate, Nov 5, Ghanadot - Until Africa becomes hypocritical
enough to accept homosexualism as a cherished act, like the
British, they, the Brits, can allow all African homosexuals free
pass for stay in UK as refuges... it will also free rich
British homosexuals from embarking on cheap homosexual tourism
trips to poor countries in Africa! ...More |
Jubilee producing less than expected
MarketWatch, Nov 2,
Ghanadot - Anadarko
Petroleum Corp. APC said Wednesday that Ghana's massive
Jubilee oilfield is producing less than expected and that
some wells will have to be reworked in order to try to
achieve the original production target.