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Bush to visit Africa
January 25, News24
Washington - President George W Bush will
travel to five African nations next month - Benin, Tanzania,
Rwanda, Ghana, and Liberia - on a trip expected to address
issues including economic development and Aids, the White
House announced on Friday.
The trip was set for February 15-21, the White House press
office said in a statement.
"This trip will be an opportunity for the president to
review firsthand the significant progress since his last
visit in 2003 in efforts to increase economic development
and fight HIV/Aids, malaria, and other treatable diseases,
as a result of the United States robust programmes in these
areas," Bush's spokesperson's office said. ...
Bank President to participate in AU Summit
Addis Ababa, Jan. 25, Ghanadot/GNA – The World Bank (WB)
on Friday announced that the bank’s Group President, Mr Robert
B. Zoellick will participate in the 10th Ordinary Session of the
Assembly of African Heads of State and Governments Summit
scheduled from January 31 to February 2, at the Ethiopian
capital Addis Ababa.....More |
President and Mrs Bush to visit Ghana, Liberia In February
Washington, Jan 25, Ghanadot -
President and Mrs. Bush will travel to Africa from
February 15-21, 2008. They will visit Ghana,
Liberia, Benin, Tanzania, and Rwanda, The White
House reports.......More
Shameful behavior
Commentary, Washingtontimes.com - Mr. Obama's
rival is not just the first serious woman presidential
candidate, a point which is so often repeated by
accommodating pundits, but with critical rhetorical
analysis; she is a white woman, enjoying the establishment's
power and cultural advantage it affords over African
American Obama. ... Then there is Bill.... ....More |
Soon public officials will be under "Code of Conduct" to be
ready this year, says CHRAG
WA, Jan.23, Ghanadot/GNA - The Commission on Human
Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) was developing a
comprehensive Code of Conduct for Public officials
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