Here are some URLs to information
about Andrew Adansi-Bonnah, a young 15 year old 1st
year student at Accra Academy SHS in Ghana. Since he
was 11 years old, he has been on a quest to raise
funds, initiate projects such as "Save Somali
Children from Hunger", and others. It's an
unbelievable story. It's an inspiring story. It's a
positive story worth sharing in these gloomy times.
Adansi-Bonnah Shares His Success Story In An Address
On National Children’s Day Held In Tamale, Calling
On The Adult Society To Address Children’s Needs
At African Union pledge event, Ghanaian boy calls
for urgent action on Horn of Africa crisis
Adansi-Bonnah, Ghana Schoolboy, Launches Solo
Somalia Famine Fundraiser
Topple the Cecil Rhodes
statue? Better to rebrand him a war criminal
Commentary, Jan 11, Ghanadot - Rhodes was a man who
launched wars of aggression: he unleashed a paramilitary
police force that annexed territory, terrorised civilians,
killed thousands of Africans, and stripped thousands more of
their land and their rights....
.More |
Morocco Becomes Largest
Investor in Ivory Coast
MWN, Jan 12, Ghanadot - Morocco has surpassed France
– Ivory Coast’s longtime top investor – and is now the
number one foreign country with the largest presence in the
West African country. .....More
After Ebola, two other tropical
diseases pose new threats
YahooNews, Jan 12, Ghanadot - A little-known
bacterial disease may be killing as many people worldwide as
measles, scientists said on Monday, while a mosquito-borne
virus known as Zika is also raising global alarm.....More
When UK-Interests Front and/or Oppose Fair-Trade
Oil Share for Ghana (2.0)
Release, Jan 12, Ghanadot - So, when Ghana lost $6
billion while focusing on "Revenue Management" as
politicians and bureaucrats clung to the so-called Ghana
Hybrid System like a fetish, that was not true growth for
Ghana. It was growth in somebody else's pocket. That was a
$6 billion racket against Ghana over the last five years......More