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An Appraisal
Michael Jackson - A Sequined Glove That
Mesmerized the World
Published: June 26, 2009
IT was impossible to look away from him — not when he
was a dimpled child singer crowned with a pillowy Afro,
not when he became a pop demigod uniformed in
rhinestones and epaulets to command what were always
referred to as his armies of fans, and not when his
surgical transformations mirrored back to the culture
the blurring of boundaries demarcating adulthood, sex
and even race.
There is no way to know what was on Michael Jackson’s
mind as he journeyed from boy to man and partway back,
from a brown-skinned man to one so pale he required an
umbrella when he went out in the sun, and from a pop
star with a quirky but defined masculinity to one who
seemed most comfortable in a more nebulous zone. What
seems clear is that all of it was considered. All of it
was intentional.
More than almost any entertainer in memory, Michael
Jackson was entirely of show business. From age 5, he
was seldom out of costume, and so it is not surprising
that his prodigious musical talents were matched by a
genius for deploying the symbolic language of fashion in
an age dominated by visual mediums.
Few entertainers can be identified solely on the basis
of their clothes, and yet a single sequined glove held
aloft signifies only one name.
The glove was merely an element in an image devised with
mastery and with the powerful assistance of the then-new
pop cultural phenomenon of music videos. There was also
the trademark black fedora. There were the military
costumes — part tin-pot dictator, part Emerald City of
Oz — designed for him over the years by the Los Angeles
costume designers Dennis Tompkins and Michael Bush.
There were the show-biz tricks, the soft-soled black
loafers and shortened trousers and the white socks used
to direct the eye to a dancer’s footwork — a move Mr.
Jackson picked up from Fred Astaire.
In his 1980s heyday, Michael Jackson drastically
revamped the image of a pop idol, layering elements of
suavity adapted from Brit-pop boy bands with old-style
Hollywood glamour, and coiffures that made unconscious
reference to a hair obsession that had preoccupied black
soul singers since James Brown got his first conk.
Curiously enough, his look of that period has lately
experienced a fashion renaissance, in the form of
big-shouldered, glitter-covered 1980s clothes coveted by
followers of the Balmain designer Christophe Decarnin....... .......More
Michael Jackson - A Sequined Glove That
Mesmerized the World
New York, June 26, NYTimes -
IT was impossible to look away from him — not when he
was a dimpled child singer crowned with a pillowy Afro,
not when he became a pop demigod uniformed in
rhinestones and epaulets to command what were always
referred to as his armies of fans... ....More
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