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Researchers Create First Bipolar Magnetic
Junction Transistor
Sep 21, 2010
Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied
Science web
Over the past 50 years, computers have gotten faster and
smaller due to miniaturization of integrated circuits.
According to Moore’s Law, which states that the number
of transistors that can be placed on an integrated
circuit will double about every two years, these
improvements should continue.
But soon, transistor size will reach atomic dimensions—
a major barrier for scientists and engineers in the
miniaturization of transistors.
One possible solution are magnetic semiconductor
devices, which use electron spin to control conduction.
Researchers at the McCormick School of Engineering and
Applied Science at Northwestern University have created
for the first time a bipolar magnetic junction
transistor and that shows amplification and operation at
room temperature.
Graduate student Nikhil Rangaraju, postdoctoral fellow
John A. Peters, and Bruce W. Wessels, Walter P. Murphy
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, designed
and created the device. Their results are published
online in the journal Physical Review Letters.
Over the past 10 years, Wessels and his group have been
working to create semiconductor alloys that are
magnetic. He found it in thin films of the alloy
Indium-Manganese-Arsenic, which Wessels previously used
to create semiconductor diodes. Now that the group has
created a transistor that uses the magnetization to
control the amplification, they’ve created a
semiconductor that is multifunctional: It can
potentially process and store digital information. For
example, in a computer, the hard drive that stores
information is magnetic, while the semiconductor memory
processes it. A semiconductor magnetic junction
transistor could potentially do both jobs.
Researchers have previously created magnetic
semiconductor devices, but Wessels and his group are the
first to create one that can control spin and amplify
signals at room temperature — two operations essential
to computer processing.
Creating this device has taken two years of
microfabrication, characterizing, and measurement, which
they performed at McCormick and at Argonne National
Laboratory’s Center for Nanoscale Materials.
Potential immediate applications for the device include
magnetic sensors (like the kind used in magnetic
resonance imaging MRIs), and in the future, this device
could be used as a basic building block for a new kind
of computer logic.
Next researchers hope to improve the device performance
and integrate it with other devices onto one chip.
“It’s almost like the holy grail of computer logic to
get devices that show magnetism and semiconduction at
the same time,” Wessels said. “Could this be an answer
to the limits of Moore’s Law? We have hope.”
Bruce Wessels
Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
Biography of the late Mr. John Francis
Smith Hansen
Personality, Sept 23, Ghanadot - The late Johnny
Hansen was born on 14th May 1935 in Accra. He was the second
son of the late Mr. Frank Gilbert Hansen, an Accountant, and
Mrs. Harriet Eliza Quartey Hansen, a renowned high fashion
designer of Accra in her days.
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